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Biochemical composition of emmer wheat (Triticum Dicoccum (Schrank) Schuebl) grain depending on the variety

The article presents the research results of the biochemical composition of grain – the content of protein, starch, ash, chemical elements in wheat grains (emmer, soft). The sedimentation index according to Zelen test, and the proportion of chemical elements in the grain ash were determined. It is known that the grain of diff erent wheat varieties diff er in size and content of anatomical components, which aff ects its biochemical composition. Modern wheat varieties can form grain with the protein content of about 20 %. Emmer is of high value as a raw material for dietary food. Biochemical components of emmer wheat grain, especially of new varieties, are poorly investigated. Therefore, studies on the biochemical composition of emmer wheat grain new varieties and lines are relevant.
The aim of the study was to investigate the issue of then emmer wheat biochemical components, depending on the genotype. To properly evaluate the crop, the tasks of the study were performed – the protein and starch content, number of falls, ash content, trace element content, sedimentation index according to Zelen test were determined. The studies were conducted during 2017–2019 with Holikovska emmer wheat variety and LP 1152 line, grown under the Right-bank forest steppe.
It was found that the biochemical composition of wheat grain (emmer, soft) signifi cantly depends on the varietal characteristics, agri-technical and weather conditions. The highest protein content and sedimentation index according to the Zelen test had the LP 1152 wheat line – 16.2 % and 53.9 cm3, respectively. In Holikovska emmer variety, these indicators were at the level of soft wheat Odessa Epoch variety – 13.8 % and 45.8 cm3 respectively. Protein content has greatly varied over the years of research. In emmer wheat grain – from 15.2 to 17.3 %, and in Holikovska variety – from 11.7 to 15.3 %.
There is a strong correlation between protein content in grain and sedimentation index according to Zelen test. The starch content varied from 48.5 to 69.1 % in Holikovska variety grain and from 50.0 to 61.7 % in LP 1152 line grain. The alpha amylase activity of wheat varieties has been low throughout the research years. The average ash content of Holikovska wheat grain was 1.81 %, the LP 1152 line was 1.95 %, which is 19–22 % higher compared to the standard varieties, respectively, the variety Akratos and Age of Odessa. Emmer wheat grain has a signifi cantly higher content of phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc and copper.
Key words: wheat, emmer, variety, biochemical composition, protein, starch, chemical elements, sedimentation.

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