To author
To submit an article, the text which meets the requirements should be sent to the editorial board e-mail Files should be titled with the author's last name in Latin, for example, Ivanenko.doc. If there are several authors – the names of the first two authors, for example, Ivanenko_Sydorenko.doc, should be mentioned.
Articles that have not been published before, are not being considered in other periodicals and meet the requirements are accepted for publication in the journal.
Article language: Ukrainian, English.
Articles in English, which are translated from Ukrainian, must be accompanied with a text in the original language, drawn up in accordance with the requirements.
Deadlines for articles submission:
- issue 1 – April 1 (publication due – June of the current year);
- issue 2 – October 1 (publication due - December of the current year);
Manuscript minimum length – 10 pages (including abstracts in Ukrainian and English), Microsoft Word DOC or DOCX format.
Layout and spacing:
Paper size: A4 (21x29.7 cm)
Orientation: Portrait
Font – Times New Roman
Size – 14 pt
Margins (Top, Bottom, Left, Right): 2 cm each
Text Alignment: Justified
Line Spacing: 1.5 lines
First line indentation: 10 mm
The title is typed in normal text (no Caps Lock used)
It is necessary to distinguish between hyphens and dashes (the dash is separated on both sides by spaces and it is longer than the hyphen).
Normal text style.
Diagrams, graphs, charts (hereinafter – illustrations) and tables are numbered.
Tables should be constructed through the use of the Tables function in Microsoft Word, portrait orientation, and should not be embedded images or objects. It is not recommended to use automatic numbering. All tables should have table numbers and titles and should be referred to by table number in the text. Tables should be located immediately after the first mentioning in the text, between paragraphs, not within them. Leave one single-spaced blank line before and after a table. Indentation, if included, should be achieved by setting appropriate margins, not by adding spaces.
Data duplication in tables and graphs/figures is not allowed.
Formulas in articles should be typed using the Equation Editor.
Figures (graphs, charts, maps, drawings, and photographs) should have a material impact on the content of an article, should not exceed the page size mentioned above and should be located at appropriate points in the text. In general, no more than 7 figures should be used in an article. All figures should have figure numbers and titles and should be referred to by figure number in the text. A figure’s number and title should be placed above and outside the figure. Figures must be high quality and should fit on one page. Each figure must be sent additionally as a separate file in jpg format, resolution: 300 dpi. The figure file should be titled with the author name. If there are several files, the sequence number of the illustration in the file name should be added to the author's surname.
When using statistics and digital information, the source of the information must be referenced to after the table, diagram and figure.
The following elements should comprise the article:
- Author name(s) (without indication of scientific degree or title / position)
- Institution name
- e-mail of the correspondent author
- Article title
- Abstract in Ukrainian (minimum 1800 characters)
A brief overview of the study results, subject, aim, methodology.
- Keywords in Ukrainian (6–12 words)
- Problem statement and analysis of recent research
The section covers the statement of the problem, its relation to important scientific and practical issues, analysis of the latest research and publications (minimum – 15-20 links) initiating the problem solving. First of all, the sources with a DOI index published within the last five years should be taken into account primarily. The section ends with setting the tasks that are still unsolved in the research area.
- The aim of the research.
- Material and methods of research.
The section provides modern methods and techniques of research, the use of which guarantees reliable results.
- Research results and discussion.
Presentation of the main material with a full justification of the obtained scientific results.
- Conclusions
Conclusions drawn from the study and prospects for further research in this direction.
- Acknowledgments (if applicable)
- Conflict of interest information (if applicable)
- Bibliography
- References
- Abstract in English of at least 1800 characters,
- Keywords in English (6–12 words)
- A separate metadata file for each author in English, Ukrainian and Russian.
The bibliography list is compiled according to the order of mentioning in the text without automatic numbering. The sources are indicated in the text by the number in square brackets.
The number literature sources used is not less than 20. It is recommended to refer to sources that have been published within the last 10 years (70%). References to textbooks and the author’s papers (no more than 15 %) should be avoided.
Each source in the bibliography and reference lists is accompanied with a DOI or PubMed iD or a link to the article file (if available).