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The problems of hazelnut microclonal propagation
The problem statement. Hazelnut is a valuable nut culture, which is quite profitable in economic way.
A deterrent to an extensive cultivation of hazelnut in Ukraine is a low ratio of breeding in a conventional methods.
The alternative to solving this problem may be the method of microclonal propagation, which is actively implemented in commercial purposes.
The difficulties of hazelnut microclonal propagation exist on every stage of this technology: 1) introduction to aseptic conditions; 2) multiplication in vitro; 3) rhizogenesis induction; 4) postaseptic adaptation.
The aim of the research. The article deals with problem aspects of hazelnut microclonal propagation and analyzes the ways of solving these problems based on the own research results. In particular, the influence of phenol emergence, culture medium, type, concentration and method of phytohormones application on root formation and proliferation are examined.
Materials and methods. The research was held in a standart laboratory conditions. The object of research are hazelnut plants variaties such as Córylus Trapezund, Corylus avellana Syrena, Corylus colurna.
It is established that rhizogenesis and proliferation processes are induced by trophic and hormone determinants.
Results and discussion. Using the DKW culture medium is recommended to optimize the hazelnut micriclonal propagation process.
I was found out that the use of activated carbon and explants transplantation on the early stages neutralizes phenol emergence.
In order to resolve the difficulties of the phenol emergence the effectiveness of such points as cultivation of mother plans in the presence of diffused light in depositary condition, introduction of plant though by meristemas separation, buds awakening, the addition of PPM Plant Preservative Mixture biocide and polyvinylpyrolidone into the culture medium were established.
At the multiplication stage 1.5 mg/l of benzylaminopurine is added into the culture medium.
The influence of different concnetrations of activated carbon on rhizogenesis on the background of 3 mg/l of auxin indolebutyric acid was stidued.
The activated carbon obscures the culture medium, adsorbes toxines, therefore it has an effective impact on root formation.
Among the comparative concentration the optimal one is 2.5g/l of the medium.
The possibility of using the greenhouse for postaceptic regenerants adaptation is shown.
Conclusions. Processing plants and substrate with Previcur Energi improves their establishment and stimulates the growth.
Key words: microclonal propagation, decontamination, phenol self-poisoning, phytohormones, rhizogenesis induction, postaseptic adaptation.
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