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Bakery properties of winter wheat grain depending on fertilizer predecessor and storage duration
The article presents results of studying the effect of storage duration of winter wheat grain on protein content, gluten content in the grain, content of gluten-forming proteins, hydration ability of gluten, falling number and bread volume depending on fertilizer and predecessor. It is found that gluten content, falling number and bread volume increase after 30 days of storage.
The results of our studies indicate that protein content was substantially affected by predecessor and fertilizer. Thus, after peas in non-fertilized areas, it was 14.1 % which significantly increased to 14.5-15.8 % (НІР05=0.1–0.2) in variants with prolonged application of fertilizers or more by 3-12 %. Protein content of winter wheat after silage corn was 2.4 % lower than after peas. However, effectiveness of fertilizer application was higher, since protein content was greater by 3-28 % compared to the non-fertilized variant. Studies show that grain storage did not affect protein content in the grain.
Prolonged use of fertilizers significantly increased gluten content in winter wheat grain. Cultivating after peas, this figure increased from 31.1 % in the non-fertilized variant to 34.7 % after application of N135P135K135 or more by 12 %. Gluten content in winter wheat grain after silage corn was 25.7 % or significantly less than 17 % compared to peas (НІР05=0.3–0.4). Prolonged use of fertilizers at a dose of N45P45K45 contributed to an increase of this indicator to 26.6 % or more by 4 % and in the case of a double dose it was up to 30.0 % and N135P135K135 to 33.0 % or more by 28 %.
However, gluten content varies depending on storage duration. However, this indicator increased after 30-day storage and remained unchanged for the rest of the period. Gluten content increased by 1.4-3.2 % compared to the indicator before storage depending on the variant of the experiment.
Content of gluten-forming proteins also increased after prolonged use of fertilizers in the field crop rotation. Thus, cultivating winter wheat after peas, this indicator increased from 8.7 to 9.7 % and after silage corn it was from 7.2 to 9.2 % depending on fertilization. The results of studies indicate that the content of this protein fraction did not change from the storage duration. Consequently, this indicator did not affect the increase of gluten content during storage.
Hydration ability of gluten did not change from the use of fertilizers as shown by the results of Table 4. However, this indicator increased significantly after 30-day storage (by 36-42 %) (НІР05=5) compared with the indicator before storage depending on the variant of the experiment. Hydration ability of gluten did not change from increasing storage duration throughout the year. Consequently, gluten content in winter wheat grain increased due to the growth of hydration ability.
After 30-day storage of winter wheat grain, falling number increased to 303-325s or more by 17-24 % depending on the variant of the experiment. During storage this indicator did not change. Consequently, the activity of α-amylase in winter wheat grain decreased after storage.
The bread volume varied depending on predecessor, fertilizer and storage duration of winter wheat grain. Cultivating after peas, this indicator increased from 509 to 528 cm3 depending on the saturation of the field crop rotation with fertilizers. The indicator was the smallest growing winter wheat after silage corn in non-fertilized areas (352 cm3 or less by 31 % compared to peas). In the variant with N45P45K45 bread volume increased to 394 cm3, in the variant with N90P90K90 up to 499 cm3 and with N135P135K135 to 523 cm3 or more by 12-50 %.
Bread volume after storage increased substantially to 560-586 cm3 or more by 10-11 % cultivating after peas and up to 399-585 cm3 or more by 12-13 % after silage corn, depending on fertilization. During remaining periods of wheat grain storage, bread volume remained at this level.
Key words: winter wheat, fertilizing, predecessor, baking properties, storage duration.
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