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Winter wheat varieties productivity of on elements of growing technology under the conditions of Southern Step of Ukraine

Agrarian science has faced the problem of is the humanity provision with food, the major part of which is provided by grain crops. Winter wheat the most fully uses the existing bioclimatic potential of the Ukrainian regions. The highest productivity of this crop can be obtained with the use of modern adapted varieties with high genetic potential of productivity taking into account the soil-climatic conditions of the zone, improvement and development of highly effi cient, scientifi cally grounded systems of nutrition and plants protection against harmful organisms.
The article presents the results of the research conducted in 2017–2019 on dark brown medium-loam low-saline soils under the conditions of the experimental fi eld of State Enterprise Experimental Farm “Kopani” of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of NAAS of Bilozersky district of Kherson region. The infl uence of varietal characteristics, mineral and organic-mineral fertilizer system, biological and chemical methods of disease protection on the productivity of winter wheat plants was investigated. The fi eld, laboratory, mathematical and statistical methods were used in the experiment according to the generally accepted methods and
guidelines in Ukraine.
It was found out that the highest level of productivity was formed by wheat plants of Maria winter variety on the background of application of pre-sowing cultivation of mineral fertilizers at a N30P30 dose with the use of foliar
fertilization with organic-mineral fertilizer ROST, solution (2.0 l/ha) at the beginning of the restoration of spring vegetation and in a stage of the fl ag leaf and chemical protection of plants using fungicide – Colossal, emulsion concentrate (1.0 l/ha). Thus, on average during the years of research, the grain yield in this variant was 4.96 t/ha, the number of productive stems – 411 pieces/m2, the number of grains in the ear – 27.6 pieces, the mass of 1000 grains – 51.5g. When using the chemical method of protection to control dark brown spotting (Drechslera sorociniana Subram) of winter wheat, the rate of development of the disease ranged 2.0–3.1 %, and the eff ectiveness ranged 83.1 – 89.4 %.
Key words: fertilizers, biologicals, fungicide, yield, foliar feeding, plant protection.

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