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Productivity and fertilizer value of white mustable mustard on green fertilizer depending on preparators, main processing systems and processing

Three-year (2019–2021) studies in a stationary feld grain-planted fve-feld crop rotation on typical low-humus medium-loam chernozem of the experimental feld of the Bila Tserkva NAU indicate a higher productivity of white mustard for green fertilizer when sown after winter wheat than spring barley. On no-till and systematic shallow tillage in the rotation, it signifcantly reduces the yield and dry weight of the roots. After the spring precursor sideratu mass is signifcantly higher after the winter one – not signifcantly lower on differentiated than the shallow tillage in the rotation. On cheisel and especially permanent shallow tillage in the rotation the effectiveness of fertilizers with increasing rates of their application decreases. With increasing fertilizer rates, the rate of growth of above-ground mass is higher than that of the root system. They tend to be lower when cabbage plants are sown after spring barley than winter wheat. Dry mass of root residues of white mustard after winter crops is practically at the same level on ploughed and ploughed-free tillage, and after spring – signifcantly higher on differentiated tillage than on the control. The dry mass of root residues of a crop plant in the arable soil layer was 3.03 and 2.59 t/ha, respectively, under the above precursors. The gain of humus content in arable layer by sowing the investigated crop after the winter wheat and after rotation without plowing, differentiated and disk tillage was respectively 532, 503, 525 and 474 kg/ha and after sowing the investigated crop after the spring barley – 453, 403, 488 and 393 kg/ha. At the date of sowing of cabbage plants after winter wheat, the reserves of available moisture in the upper layer of the soil under tillage are signifcantly lower, and under differentiated – signifcantly higher than in the control. When sowing white mustard after spring barley, this fgure is the lowest for shelf cultivation, and the highest – for shelf-shelfless cultivation in crop rotation.
Key words: soil, crop rotation, white mustard, treatment, fertilizers, predecessors, yield, root residues.


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