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Introduction of mechanized vermicomposting for utilization of vegetable waste of horticultural farms
The article deals with the expediency of using vermicomposting technologies in horticulture. Recommendations for the introduction of vermiculture technology in horticulture have been developed. Before the introduction of vermiculture technology, it is necessary to prepare the substrate. It is recommended to use the following composition of the substrate: plant tops; sawdust; tree leaves; peat, lime (up to 2 % by weight of the substrate). The substrate must undergo fermentation for at least 3 months, 3–5 months in winter. Storage of the substrate can last 8–10 months at a humidity of 70–80 %. The readiness of the substrate for consumption is determined by the ratio of carbon to nitrogen, which should be about 20. Acidity 6–8 pN. Selection of raw compost is carried out 2 times a year. Then it is used as fertilizer or sent for processing. If you process the shredded branches, the full selection can be done in 1.5 years. The dependence for determining the required biomass of earthworms on the productivity of vermigulture to process the established mass of substrate for the year of vermiculture has been established. It is determined that to create a vermigree with a capacity of 100 tons of substrate/year requires 10 kg of earthworm biomass, 500 tons of substrate/year – 45 kg, 1000 tons of substrate/year – 91 kg, 1500 tons of substrate/year – 137 kg, 2000 tons substrate/year – 182 kg. The given methodical bases of mechanized vermig farms give the chance to carry out the calculations necessary for processing of waste of vegetable origin in garden and park farms and reception of biohumus and biomass of earthworms. The introduction of such technology will allow the safe disposal of waste of plant origin of horticulture: tree leaves, waste from flower production, etc. to obtain a highly effective fertilizer – compost.
Key words: vermicomposting, earthworms, compost, equipment, organic waste.
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