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The geometrical parameters of kernels of spelt wheat depending on the variety and strain

The results of the study of the linear size, depth, depth of crease, grain size and evenness of spelt wheat depending on the variety and strain are given.
The longest are kernels of Zoria Ukrainy variety (8.1 mm) with the variability from 7.8 to 8.4 mm (V=2 %) and NSS 6/01 (8.0 mm). The length of kernels of other varieties and strains is significantly lower compared with the check variant (Zoria Ukrainy variety). The shortest are kernels of Shvedska 1 variety (6.0 mm) with the variability from 5.0 mm to 7.0 mm (V=11 %). The length of kernels of strains received by Tr. aestivum/Tr. spelta hybridization changes from 5.9 to 7.8 mm. The longest are kernels of LPP 3373 (7.8 mm) and LPP 1224 (7.5 mm) strains but by 4-7 % less compared with the check variant (НІР05=0.4). P 3 strain has the smallest length of kernels (by 27 %) with the variability from 5.5 to 6.0 mm (V=4 %). The length of kernels of strains, received by Tr. aestivum/amphiploid (Tr. durum/Ae. tauschii) and Tr. kiharae varies from 6.8 to 7.2 mm. The coefficient of variation of the length of kernels of varieties and strains of spelt wheat is insignificant (V=2-9 %) except Shvedska 1 variety.
The width of spelt wheat kernels of Zoria Ukrainy variety is on average 2.3 mm with a coefficient of variation of 5 %. These values of Shvedska 1 variety and studied strains are significantly higher compared with the check variant and are within 2.4-3.3 mm. Their variations change from 3 to 20 %. Schwabenkorn and NSS 6/01 varieties have the smallest width of kernels (2.2 and 2.1 mm), with the variability 2.0-2.4 and 2.0-2.3 mm, respectively. The studied indicator of LPP 3373 and TV 1100 strains is at the level of the check variant (2.3 mm) with variations of 4 and 16%.
Kernels of Shvedska 1 variety have the greatest thickness (3.0 mm) with the variability from 3.0 to 3.1 mm (V=1 %) and kernels of NSS 6/01 variety have the lowest thickness (2.5 mm) with the variability 2.3 to 2.7 mm (V=6 %). Thickness of kernels of spelt wheat strains varies from 2.4 to 3.1 mm. Thickness of kernels of six in twelve strains varies in wider range as the coefficient of variation is average (V=10-20 %). Kernels of Shvedska 1 variety and NAK 34/ 12-2 and NAK 22/ 12 strains have the smallest changes in thickness – V=1 %.
Kernels of studied varieties and strains of spelt wheat have a different shape. However, the most common shape of kernels is elongated one. Thus, kernels of P 3 strain have a half elongated shape and kernels of Shvedska 1 variety have an oval shape. Zoria Ukrainy, NSS 6/01 varieties and LPP 3373 and TV 1100 strains have very elongated kernels. Kernels of one variety and eight strains have the elongated shape.
It is found that the ratio of the depth to the thickness of spelt wheat kernels varies significantly depending on the variety and strain. Thus, this ratio of kernels of Shvedska 1 variety is 0.40 that is significantly less compared to the check variant (Zoria Ukrainy – 0.44) (НІР05=0.02). The ratio is changing from 0.52 to 0.54 in kernels of other varieties. According to this indicator, it is 0.48 in kernels of NAK 34/12–2 – 0.43, LPP 1197 and Р 3. The ratio of depth of crease to the thickness of kernels of other strains varies from 0.50 to 0.63.
The lowest ratio of the depth of crease to the kernel thickness is of kernels of Shvedska 1 variety (0.13), NAK 22/12 (0.14) and LPP 1304 strains (0.15). This allows concluding about the less maturity of the crease. It is bigger in kernels of other varieties and strains. Thus, the ratio is changing from 0.18 to 0.20 in kernels of spelt wheat varieties and it is changing from 0.16 to 0.27 in kernels of strains.
The size of kernels of Zoria Ukrainy variety is between 2.6-2.8 mm. The same size is of kernels of Schwabenkorn variety and LPP 3117 and LPP 1224 strains. Higher indicators of the grain size are of three strains received by Tr. aestivum/Tr. spelta hybridization. Their values range between 2.8-3.0 mm. The lowest size is of kernels of Shvedska 1 variety, LPP 3373 and TV 1100 strains which indicators are within 2.2-2.4 mm. The grain size of other strains is 2.4-2.6 mm.
The coarse content of Zoria Ukrainy variety amounts to 42.6 %. LPP 1197, LPP 3132 and LPP 1221 strains have the highest coarse content and significantly exceeds the check variant by 44–77 % (НІР05=1.6). The coarse content of other varieties and strains varies from 7.5 to 35.9 %. So, the value is substantially less than the check variant.
The mid fraction content of Zoria Ukrainy variety is 53.6 %. Three varieties and eight strains have the mid fraction content that significantly exceeds the check variant (НІР05=3.0) and is within 57.4-78.4 %. The indicator of LPP 3117 strain is 52.3 % so the difference is not significant. Values of LPP 1197, LPP 3132 and LPP 1221 strains range from 23.3-33.1 % that is significantly lower than the check variant.
The small fraction content is the lowest compared with the coarse and the mid fraction contents but it varies depending on the variety and strain. Zoria Ukrainy variety has the small fraction content of 3.8 %. Six strains (P 3, LPP 1224, LPP 3132, LPP 1221, NAK34/12–2 and NAK 22/12) have indicators that are significantly lower than the check variant (NIP05=0.3) and vary from 1.3 to 2.9 %. LPP 3122/2, LPP 3373, LPP 3117 and TV 1100 strains, NSS 6/01 and Shvedska 1 varieties have higher small fraction content – 11.5-18.5 %.
Key words: spelt wheat, linear size, grain size, evenness, crease.

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