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Analysis of the project proposals for the reconstruction of the Tomilivskyi park, a memorial of landscape gardening art of local significance

In Ukraine, about 500 objects have the status of a park-memorial of landscape art, most of which require restoration measures. That is why the analysis of project proposals for the reconstruction of a park-memorial of landscape art on the example of Tomylivskyi Park, a park-monument of local importance, is an urgent task. This park was created in the middle of the last century near the city of Bila Tserkva as an arboretum of the forestry on an area of 2.4 hectares. The inventory revealed that 76 species of woody plants grow in the park, some of which are 60–70 years old. Their preservation is one of the goals of the reconstruction. The project was based on a reference plan made on the basis of a geodetic survey of the territory and an inventory of the park’s plantations. A detailed study of the situation made it possible to divide the trees into three large groups: the most valuable, relatively valuable, and those to be removed, and to mark their growth areas on the plan in different colours. The development of park management measures involves sanitary and landscape felling and the formation of tree crowns. At this stage dead, dying and heavily infested with Viscum album L. trees are to be removed. For the remaining trees, branches infested with mistletoe and lower branches up to a height of 4–6 m, as well as damaged branches, are removed, which will significantly improve the illumination of the canopy under the trees and free up space for planting new trees and shrubs and create conditions for the growth of herbaceous plants. The need to remove some healthy trees of self-seeding origin is discussed. It is proposed to expand the network of park paths, to ensure the expansion of existing paths and to install a hard top surface. It is proposed to install small architectural forms for utilitarian and decorative purposes. It is planned to create a number of wooden sculptures from the trunks of dead trees. The optimization of the park plantations involves planting 76 species and cultivars of woody plants, creating of compositions based on a systematic principle, addition of trees groups with backdrops of ornamental shrubs and forming of multi-tiered plantations on the edges of lawns and along the park’s borders. The planting of long-lasting coniferous and deciduous trees next to existing mature specimens is justified.

Key words: landscaping, species, trees, shrubs, cultivar, planting, optimization, landscape, park, reconstruction, herbaceous perennials.


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