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The effectiveness of technological methods of controlling the presence of pink and gray thistle among industrial grape plantations

The purpose of the study is to conduct an objective analysis of the effectiveness of technological methods to control the development of pink and gray thistle among industrial plantations of grapes, taking into account their features and modern control measures. Accounts for the number and development of weeds, conducted at the end of the growth phase of grape shoots, in areas where the soil was kept in a state of black steam showed that the prevalence of pink and gray thistle plants in various biological and coenotic groups reached 53.1–57,4 % with an average number of 3.4–3.7 pieces/m2, which developed along the axis of a number of bushes and a protective strip. Growing in between rows of grapes of intermediate crops, winter rye and sorrel, causes qualitative and quantitative changes in the formation of species composition, number and development of weeds, including perennials – thistle pink and gray. In the sectors between rows, free from intermediate crops, along the axis of a number of bushes and protective strip, the development of pink and gray thistles does not differ significantly from similar processes in the area, which was kept constantly in a state of black steam. It is established that traditional control methods are ineffective because they do not provide complete removal of weeds, require large expenditures of material and financial resources. The most promising for reducing costs and achieving maximum efficiency in the control of pink thistle is the integrated application of agronomic, phytocenological and chemical measures, with due regard for the biological characteristics of weed development.

Key words: segetal vegetation, weeds, herbicides, analysis of efficiency of technological receptions, winter rye, sorrel sour, receptions of cultivation of plantings, thistle pink, thistle gray.


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