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Explants selection and conditions of the donor material cultivation for Callistephus Chinensis (L.) Ness. introduced sorts in vitro introduction with a view to its further use in greening
The aim. The technology of cultivating high-quality planting material of Callistephus Chinensis (Callistephus Chinensis (L.) Nees) in vitro has been developed on the basis of planting material parameters optimization taking into account its biological characteristics and its elements have been improved. In particular, a set of biotechnological techniques for the production of self-adhesives, regeneration plants and their adaptation to in vivo conditions have been developed. The data of literary sources of Ukrainian and foreign origins on the reproduction of varieties (Callistephus Chinensis (L.) Nees) in vitro and in notional conditions are studied and generalized.
Biotechnology methods, microclonal reproduction in particular, along with fundamental researches, have been widely used in the applied directions of experimental biology. First of all, it is about the plants gene pool preservation, creating the high-quality gardening material and accelerated vegetative reproduction.
Research material and methods. 20 varieties of Chinensis Callistephus plants with different important characteristics, origin and application direction were used in our studies.
Research results. Six genotypes were selected as a result of studies on the seeds germination of the most decorative varieties of Callistephus Chinensis with different economic and valuable characteristics. These were selected for in vitro introduction in order to accelerate their reproduction.
Discussion. For this purpose we collected previously selected 100 seeds in laboratory conditions, at a temperature of 18–20 оС and humidity of 75–80 %. The seeds were collected in a phased manner, namely 10 pieces each and placed in a flask with distilled water for a period of up to 20–30 minutes. After a period of time, seeds with an incomplete germ bag floated up to the surface of the flask and made, respectively, 10 to 30 % for different genotypes of.
Conclusions. That is, the optimal physical conditions for donor material cultivation have been selected and the mechanism for selecting the filled seed germs of the studied genotypes has been worked out.
Key words: source material, Callistephus Chinensis, varieties, introduction, in vitro, economically valuable signs, genotype.
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