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The use of the methods of a system analysis as a tool of mathematic modeling in beet production

The most typical peculiarities of the sown areas, in particular sugar beet fields, are the availability of a great number of systematized heterogeneous elements with complicated functional interrelations, which are combined in an agro-production process, aimed at getting high quality agricultural output. A comprehensive implementation of this process is supported by the solution of a set of tasks by separate elements of a system process, which are important for the achievement of the goal.

A system approach envisages the use of the three major groups of methods: field observations; field trials in natural conditions; laboratory experiments; modeling itself and simulation experiment. Field observations consist in a researcher’s non-interference in the processes which take place in natural conditions. On the contrary, a laboratory experiment combines the methods in which a researcher deliberately causes changes in the system. The use of these two methods appears to be the most efficient when they are designed and carried out based on a scientific theory. Models can be a form of the expression of theoretical ideas. 

Hence, the third group of the used methods includes modeling, i.e., construction, checking (verification) and improvement (optimization) of the models, as well as the interpretation of the results received with their help. 

The use of complex simulation approaches is to increase the adequacy of agro-ecological predictions due to much better and more complete application of empirical data. Simulation approaches allow the formalization of any empirical data about the object with help of ECM (electronic-calculating machines - computers). Cause-effect chains in simulation approaches are not followed to the end. This makes it possible to analyze interconnections in the conditions of a large dimension and incomplete information about their structure, to use the knowledge about the subject area effectively. The structure of simulation approaches, as a rule, includes an analytical description of an object, blocks of expert evaluations, simulation and processing of the results of the computational experiment.

Methods – prediction of bio-productivity of the fields of sugar beet crop rotation using the methods of a system analysis as a tool of mathematical modeling. 

Results and discussions – researches of the interconnections which have an effect on the features that are formed during sugar beet growth and development are presented in the form of correlative series. Each point of a series shows the strength of a concrete correlative link between studied features and other factors which either influence or are connected with it.

A close correlation link is recorded between field emergence and plant density after full germination (r=0.42), between field emergence and leaf mass on July 1(r=0.37), and reversed connection between field emergence and yield capacity – r =
-0.37. A close correlation link was recorded between yield capacity of sugar beets and plant density before harvesting (r=0.69); such factors as leaf mass (r=0.41–0.42), sum of active temperatures (r= 0.34), precipitation (r= -0.33), particularly recorded on August 1 and September 1, also had an impact on yield capacity formation, an average correlation link was found between them.

The following factors influenced sugar content in sugar beets: plant density before harvesting (r=0.42), root crop mass before harvesting (r=0.33), yield capacity (r=0.34), precipitation on July 1 (r=0.46), HTC (hydro-thermal coefficient) on July (r=0.44), i.e., an average positive correlation was recorded between these studied features. Strong positive correlation links were found between sugar yield, yield capacity, plant density before harvesting and sugar content of root crops, (r=0.95), (r=0.68) and (r=0.60), respectively.

Key words: sugar beets, system analysis, simulation approach, descriptive models, correlative series, bio-productivity.



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