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Quality and ecological safety of winter wheat grain grown after bean precursors
According to DSTU 3768: 2009, wheat grains, depending on quality indicators, are divided into 6 classes (classes 1, 2,
3 belong to group A, classes 4 and 5 are in group B and class 6). The protein content of winter wheat, grown after bean predecessors, was 9.9-12.0 %. Its highest content was characteristic of the precursor of Melilótus officinális, and the lowest one – Lótus corniculátus and Galéga orientalis L.
In terms of the protein content, winter wheat grain grown after Melilótus officinális , alfalfa, cranberries and Onobrychis arenaria in accordance with the DSTU 3768:2009 corresponds to grade 3 (group A), and the grain grown after Lótus corniculátus and Galéga orientalis L.corresponds to grade 6.
The content of raw gluten in winter wheat grain was 15.3-20.2 %. The largest amount of raw gluten in the grain was found on the variant with Melilótus officinális precursor, and the smallest – on Lótus corniculátus and Galéga orientalis L.
The content of raw gluten in the grain of winter wheat grown after white currant, alfalfa, clover, and Onobrychis arenaria, according to DSTU 3768: 2009, corresponds to the third class grain (Group A), and the remaining variants – to the lower quality grades. Intensive use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides on the investigated soil in previous years contributed to the accumulation of heavy metals in winter wheat grain and depended on the type of legume precursors.
In particular, lead content in winter wheat grains grown after bean precursors was 1.58-2.23 mg/kg at the limit of the maximum permissible concentration of lead in grain in accordance with DSTU 3768: 2009 of 0.5 mg/kg. The lowest concentration of lead in the grain was provided by the precursors of Onobrychis arenaria, which is 3.2 times higher than the MPC, Trifolium pratense by 3.3 times, Lótus corniculátus and Trifolium pratense – by 3.7 times, Melilótus officinális – 4.1 and Lótus corniculátus – 4.5 times higher than the MPC.
At the same time, winter wheat, grown after the traditional predecessor – silage corn, contained 3.90 mg/kg of lead, which is 7.8 times higher than MРC and 1.8-2.5 times more than the grain grown after bean precursors.
The content of cadmium in winter wheat, grown after bean precursors, was 0.13-0.20 mg/kg at MРC of 0.10 mg/kg. The lowest concentration of cadmium in winter wheat grain was on the variant of the Galéga orientalis L. – 1.3 times higher than the MPC, in the variant of the alfalfa of and the clover – in 1.6, in the version of the Onobrychis arenaria and Melilótus officinális – by 1.7 times higher than the MPC. The highest concentration of cadmium in winter wheat grain was found on the variant of Lótus corniculátus – 2 times higher than the MРC.
The concentration of cadmium in winter wheat grain grown after silage corn on was 0.34 mg/kg, which is 3.4 times higher than the MPC and 1.7-2.6 times more than after bean precursors. The actual content of copper in winter wheat grain after bean precursors was 3.88-4.61 mg/kg at the value of the MPC of 10.0 mg/kg. The smallest amount of copper was contained in grain after the precursors of the clover and Onobrychis arenaria – by 2.6 times less than the MPC, after the Galéga orientalis L. – 2.5 times less, after the alfalfa – by 2.4, after Melilótus officinális – 2.3 and after Lótus corniculátus – 2.2 times less than the MРC.
The grain of winter wheat grown after silage corn contained 9.91 mg/kg of copper, which corresponded to the MPC standard and was 2.2-2.6 times larger than after bean precursors.
The zinc content in winter wheat grains grown after bean predcursors was 21.62-25.24 mg/kg at MРC of 50.0 mg/kg. The least amount of zinc was contained in grain after Trifolium pratense – in 2.3 times less than the MPC, after Onobrychis arenaria and Lótus corniculátus – respectively, by 2.3 and 2.2 times less than the MPC, after Melilótus officinális – by
21 times, after the alfalfa and Lótus corniculátus – 2.0 times less than the MРC.
Zinc concentrations in winter wheat grown after the silage corn predecessor was 39.95 mg/kg, which is 1.3 times the MPC and 1.6-1.9 times higher than that of legumes predecessors.
Grain of winter wheat grown without the chemicals after legume predecessors as such as Melilótus officinális, alfalfa, Trifolium pratense and Onobrychis arenaria corresponds to grade 3 of group A on the indicators of qualitative composition, according to DSTU 3768:2009.
Bean perennial grasses as predecessors of winter wheat contribute to lead decrease in its grain by 1.8–2.5 times, cadmium – by 1.7–2.6 times, copper – by 2.2–4.6 times and zinc – by 1.6-1,9 times compared with the traditional precursor of silage corn.
Using Onobrychis arenaria as a precursor of winter wheat, in comparison with other types of legumes, provides accumulating of wheat the smallest amount of lead and copper in the grain. Lótus corniculátus as a predecessor provides the lowest concentration of cadmium though zinc concentration was high; Trifolium pratense as a precursor of wheat provided the lowest copper and zinc content in the grain. Lótus corniculátus as a precursor of winter wheat, provided the highest concentration of lead, cadmium and copper in its grain. At the same time, it should be noted that among all the predecessors, the highest intensity of contamination of winter wheat is observed after Lótus corniculátus.
Key words: winter wheat, grain, quality, ecological safety, precursors, lead, cadmium, zinc, copper.
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