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Grains number per plant inheritance types in the F1 hybrids and formative process in F2 soft winter wheat hybrid populations derived from different ecotypes hybridization
Soft winter wheat is the main food crop in Ukraine. Development and introduction of new varieties with high productivity potential, resistant to environmental stress factors with improved grain quality is the cheapest and the most environmentally friendly factor of growth and grain production stabilization.
The main method of wheat selection is hybridization in which the original forms must ensure the highest possible output of recombinations with the required combination of economically valuable attributes and properties. The main source of genetic variability in hybrids generation is DNA meiotic recombination, namely, a specific recombination of chromosomes and the crossingover.
The most important problem in the theory of selection is the process of source material selection for different directions of breeding. Scientists have worked out a significant number of the principles of parental selection of components for the crossing. A well-known breeder S. Boroyevych identified three concepts of parental pairs selection for crossing: concepts of grade, signs and gene. A.F. Merezhko identifies the following principles: ecological and geographic one, mutual supplement (complementarity) of signs of their combinability evaluation and systematic approach in the selection of the parental crossing components.
The initiator of introducing the ecological method in plant breeding is Ye. M. Sinska. The scientist considered ecotopic selection principles she formulated within the ecological system of selection (1933) to be a kind of ecotypes system.
It is important to consider the nature of quantitative traits inheritance in the crops breeding aiming to breed a variety quicker, and the number of grains in a spike and a plant is among the most significant trait. This will determine the value of the source material as well as select and evaluate the breeding material in the early stages of selection.
The degree of phenotypic dominance of grains number per plant in the F1 soft winter wheat hybrids derived from the hybridization of parental forms belonging to different ecotypes has been studied. It has been found out that the inheritance of the number of grains per F1 plant hybrids in most combinations ran through the positive overdominance type (hr = 1,5-30.5). True heterosis, by the number of grains per plant, manifested in nine hybrids. The highest heterosis effect of crossbreeding was observed in the combination of Dryad 1 / Rostavytsya (30.8 %) (steppe ecotype/forest-steppe ecotype) NAZ / Olesya (33.5 %), Haytun / Olesya (32.8 %) and Haytun / Bilotserkivska semi-dwarf – 43.8 % (remote eco-geographical forms crossing). The degree of positive transgressions by the number of grains per plant in F2hybrid populations, obtained in crossing the steppe ecotypes and the forest-steppe, ranged from
6.3 % (Mission Odessa / Lybid’) to 83.0 % in the combination of Dryad 1/Rostavytsya with a frequency of practically valuable recombinants of 3.8 and 71.4 % respectively. Crossing remote ecological and geographical forms resulted in the extent of positive of transgressions of 5.8-69.7 %, and the frequency of transgressive recombinants ranged from 5.3 % (Beijing х Bilotserkivska semi-dwarf) to 50.0 % in the Haytun/Olesya combination.
Analysis of phenotypic dominance of grains number per plant shows that in nine F1 hybrids out of ten the inheritance ran on positive signs overdominance (hp = 1.5-30.5).
The highest heterosis effect of crossbreeding was typical for the combination of Dryad 1 / Rostavytsya (30.8 %) (steppe ecotype / forest-steppe ecotype) NAZ / Olesya (33.5 %), Haytun / Olesya (32.8 %) and Haytun / B.TS. n / a. – 43.8 % (remote eco-geographical forms crossing).
The highest transgressive recombinants by the number of grains per plant derived from steppe and forest-steppe ecotypes crossing, was observed in F2 hybrid populations of Dryad 1 / Rostavytsya and Dryad 1 / Olesya 71.4 and 23.8 % respectively. By crossing remote eco-geographical forms vydilysya population Haytun / Olesya and NAZ / Woodland 90 – 50.0 and 32.0 % respectively.
The conducted research suggests that involvement of hybridization with the local varieties adapted with other ecotypes allows to create significant reserve of genotypic variability for the number of grains per plant.
Key words: mild winter wheat, grains number per plant, ecotype, crossbreeding combinations, hybrids, inheritance, heterosis, dominance degree, transgressions degree and frequency.
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