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The influence of auxiliary products in organic production on sowing qualities and yield properties of millet seeds

Organic production has been widespread in Ukraine for a long time, but in recent years it has developed rapidly, even in war conditions, Ukraine occupies a leading position in the export of such products. When introducing organic production, a number of operators in Ukraine face the problem of providing high-quality organic planting material, especially millet. The area for organic production in Ukraine is 1% of the total area of farmlands. Therefore, the aim of the research was to improve the elements of millet cultivation technology as the basis for obtaining high-quality planting material under organic production. The research was carried out during 2022-2024 on the basis of T.H.Shevchenko private agricultural enterprise, village Trostinka, Vasylkiv district, Kyiv region. The millet varieties («Omriyane» and «Bila Altanka»), the auxiliary products permitted in organic production and the conditions of their application were studied. Permitted auxiliary products in organic production had a positive effect on the improvement of germination energy, in particular with the use of «Biocomplex BTU» obtained 93,0% in the «Omriyane» variety and 92,0% in the «Bila Altanka» variety. The field germination of the studied varieties was in the range of 76,3-76,6%. The number of millet plants of the «Omriyane» variety in the phase of full emergence was at the level of 243,0-245,8 pl./m2 , the increase of this indicator was due to the use of biological preparations. With the use of such preparations as «Biocomplex BTU» and «Organic-Balance», the millet yield was obtained at the level of 3,74-3,90 t/ha compared to the control plots of 2,49-2,73 t/ha.

Key words: organic production, millet yield, sowing qualities.


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