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The yield of buckweat by the influence of biological agents
The results of the studies of the effects of various microbiological standards of Diazobakteryn drug (150, 175, 200 ml) and methods of application of plant's growth' regulators (seed treatment before sowing – 250ml / t, spraying – 50 ml / ha) on the yield of buckwheat. It is established that microbiological agent submitted separately and in mixtures with plant growth regulators impose a significant imprint on the formation of buckwheat's yield.
In a further development of the country the agriculture producers' priority is to increase economic efficiency, increasing the gross yield and improving the quality of grain crops. However, the creation of high-yielding crops is possible only under the rational use of drugs, creating an optimal environment for the operation of agro phytocoenosis.
We know now that increasing of crops productivity can be achieved not only by means of selection, making the necessary doses of fertilizers and pesticides, but also by the inclusion of biological products to complex sequential process operations cultivation.
The published data confirm the positive impact of microbiological agents and plant's growth regulators on the formation of grain yields. In particular, the action of biologics is growing strong root system, which serves as a medium for the development of beneficial microorganisms that, on the one hand, offers greater water exchange and mineral nutrition, and on the other – activates physiological and biochemical processes (photosynthesis, respiration, etc.) in plants displayed on the yield of crops.
Most scientists confirm the positive influence of biopreparations on yield formation of cereals. However, the effect of integrated use of biological agents on the formation yield of buckwheat is virtually unknown. In this regard, it seems reasonable to set different rules how microbiological agents and methods of application of growth regulator affect the formation yield of buckwheat.
The purpose and tasks of the research were to ascertain the influence of pre-inoculated seed Diazobakteryn microbiological agents and different rules and ways of introduction of plant growth' regulators (PPP) on yield of buckwheat.
The research has found out that the yield of buckwheat formed depending on weather conditions, which evolved during the research, different rules of Diazobakteryn microbiological agents and methods of application of plant' growth' regulators joy. Thus, the use of microbiological agents of Diazobakteryn in rules 150, 175, 200 ml for seed treatment before sowing alone and in combination with PPP Joy highest yields in variants of the experiment was formed in 2011, and the lowest - in 2012, that is agreed with meteorological data this year. For seed treatment before sowing microbiological agents by Diazobakteryn in rules 150, 175, 200 ml of excess yield of buckwheat in relation to the control in 2010 was 7 – 12% according to the rules of the drug. Significantly higher yield was observed in the experiment with the options of seed treatment before sowing mix drugs Diazobakteryn normally 150, 175, and 200 ml of joy normally 250 ml / t. Thus, the yield of buckwheat in these versions of the experiment was 0.27 – 0.35 t / ha higher than the rate in the control. However, the highest yield of buckwheat formed in crops by the use of Diazobakteryn normally 200 ml and of Radostym normally 250ml / t seed for treatment before sowing, followed by spraying by Radostym normally 50 ml / ha, which is 42% higher than in controls.
This shows the impact of different ways of using Radostym (seed treatment + processing crops) on the growth processes of plant buckwheat, which together with microbiological components of Diazobakteryn, which creates a larger surface colonization of the root system, ensures the activation of physiological processes in plants, aimed at the formation of high yields of crops.
Key words: productivity, buckwheat, plant growth regulator, microbiological agent.
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