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Yield and grain quality of chickling vetch under biological preparations influence

The article presents the research results on the impact of pre-sowing seed treatment with a complex of a biopreparation and a plant growth regulator, followed by post-emergence application of the plant growth regulator, on the yield and quality of chickling vetch. The study aim was to establish the effects of the biopreparation «Bioneostim» (1.0 l/t) and the plant growth regulator «Vermistim D» (seed treatment before sowing –7.0 l/t, crops spraying – 8.0 l/ha) on the yield and quality chickling vetch, variety «Ivolga». Field experiments were conducted using the systematic method with three replicates. The experimental design included variants with seed treatment before sowing with «Bioneostim» at a rate of 1.0 l/t, separately and in combination with «Vermistim D» (7.0 l/t – seed treatment, 8.0 l/ha – foliar treatment). Сhickling vetch seeds were treated with biopreparation, the plant growth regulator, and their mixtures one day before sowing. On the background of seed treatment with «Bioneostim» and «Vermistim D» crops were sprayed with «Vermistim D» at a rate of 8.0 l/ha during the tillering phase, using 200 l/ha of the working solution. Based on the experimental data it can be concluded that pre-sowing treatment of сhickling vetch seeds with a mixture of the biopreparation «Bioneostim» (1.0 l/t) and the plant growth regulator «Vermistim D» (7.0 l/t), followed by post-emergence application of the «Vermistim D» (8.0 l/ha), promotes the activation of various biological processes in plants and soil. This leads to an increase in crop yield (a grain yield increase of 0.51 t/ha) with a 9% increase in 1000 grain weight and a 2.6% increase in protein content.

Key words: crop productivity, yield, сhickling vetch, biopreparation, plant growth regulator. 


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