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Variability of yield and resistance to disease of soft winter wheat varieties depending on the year of testing

New varieties of soft winter wheat have been submitted for state scientific and technical expertise: Krasunya Poliska, Mokosha, Pyriatynka, Fortetsia Poliska, Efektna – in 2018, Zemlerob and Lyubito – in 2020. The best varieties in 2020 were Efektna – 6.87 t/ha, Pyriatynka and Zemlerob – 6.56 t/ha each, Fortetsia Poliska – 6.48 t/ha. During 2016-2020, all the varieties undergoing qualification examination exceeded the Lisova pisnia standard in terms of yield (5.97 t/ha). Thus, the yield of the Fortetsia Poliska variety was 7.31 t/ha, Pyriatynka – 7.10 t/ha, Zemlerob – 7.06 t/ha, Krasunya Poliska – 6.95 t/ha, Lyubito – 6.72 t/ha ha, Efektna – 6.36 t/ha, Mokosha – 6.27 t/ha. It is worth noting the significant variation in the yield over the years of research in all varieties submitted for further study and registration for state scientific and technical examination. At the Panfil research station, the yield of soft winter wheat varieties Mokosha and Zemlerob exceeded the standard in terms of yield – 6.4 t/ha, Fortetsia Poliska – 6.1 t/ha and the Efektna variety was not inferior to the standard – 5.9 t/ha. Brown rust damage during 2016–2020 was lower compared to powdery mildew. It was found that the Efektna variety had a very high resistance to both powdery mildew and brown rust. Very high resistance to brown rust was observed in 2020 for all varieties that were submitted for variety testing. It was found that the incidence of leaf septoria during 2016–2020 was high compared to brown rust and powdery mildew. The cultivar Zemlerob was selected, which had both a stable lesion (Min = 7 %) and a weak susceptibility (Max = 28 %). It was found that in the snowless 2020 and in the abundant rainfall of 2018, the defeat of septoria leaves had moderate resistance (X = 15.81 %) and (X = 20.03 %). Studies have shown that in 2020 a very high resistance to septoria of the ear was observed in the variety Fortetsia Poliska. In the Pyriatynka, Efektna, Lyubito varieties, the development of the disease was noted to be 1.0 % and the spread of the disease in the area – 10.0 %.

Key words: soft winter wheat, variety, variability, yield, resistance to diseases, powdery mildew, brown rust, leaf septoria, olive mold, striped mosaic of leaves, BYDV.


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