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Transformation of acid-base soil indices and calcium balance for different fertilizers and liming
The article deals with the issues of the influence of mineral fertilizers and their combined use with defecate on change the acid-basic parameters of podzolized loamchernozem. It is proved that the application of mineral fertilizers alone contributes to the acidification of podzolized chernozem, the reduction of calcium and magnesium content, the amount of absorbed bases and the decrease of the degree of soil saturation on the base. Thus, the exchange acidity of the soil of the experimental variants without the defecate introducing had pH of 5.2–5.3.
In variants with the combined application of mineral fertilizers and different doses of defecate for the fourth year of its action is 5.3–5.5 pH under introducing the half dose, 5.7–5.7 pH of the single dose and pH 5.8–6.1 under introducing one and half dose of defecate. Hydrolytic acidity variation ranged from 3.25–3.68 mole/kg in the variants without defecate to 2.05-2.68 mole/kg in the variants with different doses of it with the simultaneous increase in the content of calcium and magnesium soils. The amount of absorbed bases in the variants with various doses of mineral fertilizers was – 26.1–27.5 mole/kg and gradually increased with the increase in the dose of defecate to 28.1–29.0 mole/kg at the half dose, to 28.8–29.6 for a single and up to 29.4–30.3 mole/kg for one and a half dose.
It was established that liming contributed to an increase in the degree of soil saturation on the base to 92–94 % versus 88–89 % in non-liming variants. Consequently, the introduction of defecate with different doses of mineral fertilizers significantly improved the acid-basic characteristics of podzolized loam chernozem. The balance of calcium in short-rotational field crop rotation is calculated, provided that the defecate is applied in the amount of 4.5-13.5 t/ha. Calculations have shown that calcium balance is sharply negative – from – 359 to – 868 kg/ha in the variants where calcium-containing compounds are not added. In our opinion, this is due to its large loss caused by erosion. Introducing a half dose of defecate was only sufficient for four years of agricultural use of the soil, while for a single dose as well as one and a half doses of its introduction, the balance is positive even in the variants with higher doses of mineral fertilizers.
Consequently, the use of defecate is one of the agrotechnological methods for preventing acidification and decalcification of podzolized loam chernozem in the field crop rotation. It was also found out that when applying higher doses of mineral fertilizers, the dose of defecate should be not less than a single one in terms of exchange acidity, since the effect of the half dose of the defecate can be calculated for no more than four years.
Key words: podzolized chernozem, mineral fertilizers, defecate, liming, acid-base indicators, calcium balance.
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