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Spatial-temporal dynamics of phytoindication assessments of acidity and salt regime of Nikopol manganese ore basin tehnozems
The result of the research conducted in 2012–2014 reveal the regularities of spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoindication assessments of acidity and salt regime of most typical tehnozems of the Nikopol manganese ore basin in the process of agriculture recultivation: pedozems, sod-litogenic soils on the gray-green clay, red-brown clay and loesses-like clay loams.
Ya. P. Didukh phytoindication scale of acidity (Rc) and salt regime (Sl) was applied in the investigation. Phytoindication assessment was performed by a regular grid of test that allows you to track changes in the given point of space for some time.
A relatively limited range of time allows you to describe the trends and variability using linear model. Using the coefficients of the linear dependence of phytoindicator assessments from time to time at a particular point in space, we can show the spatial variable temporal dynamics of ecological indicators. Variation of free coefficient b indicates the retrospective patterns of acidity within the plots of tehnozems a year before the beginning (starting). In all types of tehnozems acidity creates regular spatial patterns, but they change in time. Features of spatial variation coefficient and point to the fact that areas with high acidity tend to it, and with reduced – on the contrary, it increases. It is shown that the conditions of acidity of tehnozems are in the range from subacidofilic to neutrofilic. The smallest level of acidity of edafotops was found for pedozems (pH = 6.25–6.50) and greatest was found for sod-litogenic soils on the loesses-like clay loams (pH = 6.53–6.86). Edafotops salt regime is favorable from semievtrofs to evtrofs. For assessments salt regime is also characterized by specific spatial patterns that change in time. Each tehnozems type is characterized by specific patterns of spatial variation indices of the salt regime. Features are as uniform size and shape in this indicator areas (areas with regular or elevated values of the phytoindicator scale) and their mutual boundaries are located and contrast. Thus, for the sod lithogenic soil on gray-green clay characteristic limited areas with significantly higher values and considerably reduced assessments salt regime. In all types of tehnozems indicators of acid and salt regimes create regular spatial patterns that they change in time. These patterns indicate the presence of autooscillator spatial-temporal processes in tehnozems endogenous nature confirming forming in them the mechanisms of functional integrity, who ultimately inherent natural soils.
Key words: tehnozems, phytoindication, ecological regimes, acidity, salt, spatial variation.
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