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The regulative role of natural entomophages and the influence of preparation with different action mechanism on these entomophages in the agrocenosis of spiked grains in the Central Forest-steppe zone of Ukraine

The monitoring showed that an essential threat for the winter wheat and barley were the corn-bugs (Scuteleridae family), bugs of the Pentatomidae family (Pentatomidae), caspid bugs (Miridae), tarnished plant bug (Lygus) (Hеmіptera series), grain aphis (Aphididae family, Hоmоptera series), wheat thrips Haplothrips tritici Kurd. (Phloeothripidae family, Thysanoptera series), cereal chafer (Anisoplia austriaca Hrbst.), cereal flies (Cecidomyidae and Cloripidae family, Diptera series), leafhoppers: candy-striped (Psammotettix striatus L.), aster (Мacrosteles laevis Rib.), smaller brown plant hopper (Laodelphax striatella Fall.) of Hоmоptera series. The Coleoptera series was presented by cereal chafer (Anisoplia austriaca Hrbst.), corn ground beetle (Zabrus tenebrioides Goeze.), cereal leaf beetles (Oulema lichenis Voet., O. melanopus L.), striped flea beetle (Phyllotreta vittula Redt.) and corn sawfly (Cephus pygmaeus L.) (Cephidae family, Hymenoptera series).

During vegetation periods 2013-2015 the insects entomophages were identified belonging to the following series: Odonata, Dermaptera, Hemiptera, Thysanoptera, Neuroptera, Coleoptera, Diptera та Hymenoptera. The most numerous species in the agrocenosis of winter wheat and barley were the series of Coleoptera, Hemiptera and Hymenoptera.

The series Coleoptera dominated as to the species number and made 59 % of all entomophages. The most represented was the Carabidae family. The identified ground beetles belong to different ecological groups. 20 species belong to zoophages and the rest of species consume mixed food. The most numerous were 6 species: Bembidion quadrimacullatum L., Bembidion properans Stoph., Calathus erratus C. Sahlb., Calathus (Doluchus) halensis Schall., Harpalus rufipes Deg., Poecilus cupreus L.

The most numerous were the predators Poecilus cupreus L., and Broscus cephalotes L. These insects hunt on the soil surface or wait for the victim in the holes, under soil lumps and stones.

The Coccinellidae family is widely spread and very important. Their imago and larvae consume aphis and some other phytophages. In the agrocenosis of cereals, the seven-spotted ladybird dominated (Coccinella septempunctata L.) – 69,3 %, two-spotted ladybird (Adonia dipunctata L.) – 17,1 %, (Tytthaspis sedecimguttata L.) – 13,4 %, 14-spotted ladybird (Propylaea quatordecimpunctata L.) – 8,5 %, the part of other species did not exceed 3 %.

Among the Hymenoptera, the dominating position was of the following families: Braconidae, Aphidiidae, Aphelinidae, Ichneumonidae. The Collyria coxator Villers. (Ichneumonidae family), which is parasitephage for corn sawfly (Cephus pygmaeus L.), was detected in considerable amounts.

The Hemiptera were presented mainly by predators of Nabidae and Anthocoridae families.

Although during research years a considerable number of entomophages was detected, they could not however decrease the phytophages down to the economically unimportant level.

In conditions of Rozaliivka agricultural cooperative, a comparative evaluation of modern chemical and biochemical preparations was done. At the beginning of second decade of Jun 2013-2015, the winter wheat was sprayed against corn sawfly and concomitant bug larvae.

Before the experiment, the average sawflies density during 3 years was about 29,6 pieces per plant. On the third day after spraying the phytophages density decreased by 87,4 % after Actar 240 SC and by 86,2 % after Karate 050 EC. Further on the efficiency of Actara 240 SC and Karate 050 EC increased and made more than 90 % on the seventh day.

The efficiency of the hormonal preparation Dimilin was about 83,1 % and of bacteria preparation Bitoxibacilin about 82,7 %, which was somewhat lower compared to application of traditional chemical insecticides.

The research results confirmed the not essential impact of Dimilin on the entomophages of the families Coccinellidae, Carabidae, Chrisopidae and Sirphidae.

The entomofauna perished considerably less after the bacterial preparation Bitoxibacilin BTU than after chemicals. For example, the Coccinellidae family perished by 96,5 % less compared to Actara 240 SC and by 94,8 % less compared to Karate 050 EC. This tendency was observed with the families Carabidae, Chrisopidae, Sirphidae.

Thus, when populating the winter wheat by grain aphis at the density exceeding the threshold, the following preparations are recommended to apply in order to preserve the useful entomofauna: hormonal preparation Dimilin and bacterial preparation Bitoxibacilin. The preserved yield during 3 years made on average 14,2-14,5 centner/ha.

Thus, for rational plant protection, it is important to take into account both the number of harmful species and their parasites and predators.

It is advisable to use hormonal preparation Dimilin or bacterial preparation Bitoxibacilin against grain aphis and bugs. These preparations showed high technical efficiency of 82,7-83,1 % and can be recommended for organic production technologies.

Key words: winter wheat, cereals, monitoring, entomophages, phytophages, technical efficiency, insecticides.


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