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Physical construction and typical black soil structure under different systems of main cultivation and fertilization of agrophytocenoses of field crop rotation

Four-year (2019-2022) studies at the experimental field of Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University established that the structural density of the arable layer of typical black soil significantly increases with chisel-disk and disk tillage, but does not exceed the critical value – 1.30 g/cm³. Fertilization systems did not significantly affect the change of this indicator. Weight by volume of the upper part (0-10 cm) of the arable layer increases significantly only with disk-less tillage on the date of crop rotation crops sowing . The structural density of middle (10-20 cm) and lower (20-30 cm) parts of the arable layer was significantly increased with disc-less and especially disc tillage. This indicator in the lower part of the arable layer exceeded the critical value for chisel-disc tillage on the harvest date, and for disk tillage – during all observation periods. The total porosity of the arable layer decreases significantly with chisel-disc and disk tillage, and insignificantly – with differentiated tillage, but does not exceed the critical level of 50%. Changes in the value of total porosity of the upper part of the arable layer according to the tillage options are insignificant. In middle and lower parts of the arable layer this indicator decreases significantly with shelf-less disk and disk tillage, and insignificantly – with differentiated tillage. The volume of capillary pores in the arable layer on the sowing date for all tillage options is almost at the same level, and on the harvesting date it is significantly higher than for shelf-less and disc tillage. On the harvesting date the capillary porosity of the upper part of the arable layer significantly decreased under differentiated tillage, and in the middle and lower parts – significantly increased under shelf-less disk and disk tillage. The non-capillary porosity of the arable layer is significantly lower than chisel-disc and disc tillage. In the upper part of the arable layer this indicator is significantly lower on the sowing date for shelfless-disc cultivation, and harvesting – also for disc cultivation. In middle and lower parts it is significantly lower on the sowing date than shelfless-disc and disc, and harvesting – even under differentiated tillage. The arable layer structure is almost at the same level according to the tillage options. With shelf-less disk and disk processing, there is a well-defined heterogeneity of this layerby the content of waterproof aggregates in its various parts. Fertilizers significantly improved this indicator. Crop rotation productivity is almost at the same level as shelf-disc and differentiated and significantly lower than shelf-disc and disc tillage.

Key words: typical black soil, fertilizers, crop rotation, tillage, construction, structure, porosity, productivity.


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