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Microflora of seed of soy

The phytopathological analysis of seed of soy of different sorts is conducted. It is set that the microflora of seed is presented by mushrooms, bacteria and mixed infection. The general infection of seed of soy presented 10,5-18,0 % phytopathogenes depending on a sort. Among the educed microflora mushrooms prevailed on seed. On their fate was from
61,1 % to 90,5 % from the general amount of the staggered seed. Part of the mixed infection presented 4,8–36,7 %. A defeat a bacillosis was insignificant and marked him only on a sort Annushka.

Among the mushroom flora of seed of soy the mushrooms of sort of Alternaria Nees had most frequency of isolation - 49,1–52,6 %, something the mushrooms of sort of Fusarium Lk had less distribution – 15,8-19,1 % from the general amount of mushrooms. Among other marked the mushrooms of order of Micelia of sterilia and mushrooms dressed Ascochyta Lib., Botrytis Mich., Verticillium Nees, Acremonium Lk., Gliocladium Cda, Penicillium Lin.

Keywords: soy, seed, analysis, microflora.



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