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"Karmalyukove Podilla" national natural park reforestation after black frost damage
The results of Quercus robur L. and Quercus petraea Liebl. tree crowns ecological status and recovery features determination after ice damage in 2000 are given on the example of "Karmalyukove Podilla" National Natural Park (NNP).
The icing resulted in creating favourable conditions for the pests and diseases evolution: trees biological resistance has reduced, a lot of open mechanical wounds on trees and dead wood has appeared. The shattered forest belts has become more vulnerable to negative abiotic factors.
Therefore, the process of their recovery is long and complicated. The peculiarity of these forests development is the dynamic reciprocal phenomena "recovery – trees withering" counteraction since the consequences of ice damage worsened due to the of pests and diseases negative impact.
It is shown that oak forest belts have the ability to recover after crowns damage through the formation and development of water shoots on the branches and the trunk. Natural mechanism of partially lost aboveground biomass bringing into compliance with the underground one of the forest belt functions. This is also contributed by increasing the trees crowns and trunks lightening due to the heavy tent dilution.
The intensity of the crowns recovery and their further growth depends on trees breed, age, degree of ice and other factors damage, as well as the state of neighbour trees. Different crowns shapes are formed depending on the damage extent. Under intensive icebreaking, sticks formation is concentrated closer to the crown base skeleton and partly below the trunk. As a result, the restored crown is formed much more compact and "falls" below the trunk, i.e. the crown relative height increases. The crowns largest relative height (40.3 %) formed due to secondary sticks were found in the area of trees very strong ice damage. Weak icebreaking causes predominantly sticks forming at the periphery of a lower part of the crown.
The intensity of water sticks formation increases to 3.2 points with increasing the crowns ice damage degree up to the limit of
20 %. The crown lose of more than 20 % causes a sharp decrease in the intensity of sticks formation. The trees that have lost more than 50 % almost lose their ability of sticks formation below 2.2 points. However, the most persistent samples can recover even with the loss of 70 % of the crown biomass. It is unreasonable to take trees with less than 30% ice damaged crowns in sanitary felling.
The total area of crowns horizontal projection in damaged trees has almost doubled within 4 years after icebreaking. Crowns growth annual radius increased differently depending on the tree oak age: those aged 100–120 had 3–5 m diameter, aged 50 – 3–4 m, young – 2–3 m. Regardless the origin of the oak trees belts and their age (from 40 to 120 years), the most developed trees of I and II Kraft classes have more potential to restore crowns after icebreaking.
The connection between Q. Petraea trees crowns horizontal projection and their age middle reliable. Q. Robur crowns resoration is faster than that of the neighbor grown Q. Petraea crowns. A tendency of diminishing «relation of crowns projection area to the trees feed area» index with the trees age. However, feeding area of competing Q. Robur and Q. Petraea changes with the age and the changes are different. Changing the relation between feed area and the age of Q. Robur is positive or upward, and that of Q. Petraea is negative (or downward, negative). As age of trees
Thus, Q. Robur in mixed forest belts is more competitive than Q. Petraea in terms of the competition for the environment resources. The Q. Robur crowns restoration after ice damage goes faster than in its neighbor Q. Petraea: the crowns horizontal projection and the trees feed area grow faster with age the, while the value of their relation diminishes).
Key words: oak tree belts, crowns ice damage, crowns restoration, intensity of sticks formation, crowns horizontal projection, trees feed area
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