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Impact of forest exploitation on soil stability in the Ukrainian Carpathians and ways to improve it

Evaluation of erosion processes occurring during logging is of great importance for a balanced approach to the use of natural resources and forest ecosystems preservation. The article evaluates erosion processes during logging in the Ukrainian Carpathians. The influence of mountain topography on the risks of erosion and pollution of water streams due to the high steepness of the slopes and the need for specialized equipment for logging operations was analyzed. The need for measures to minimize the impact of logging on the natural environment of mountain regions has been substantiated. The study examines the influence of the hilly and mountainous terrain on the logging activities of the «Putyl Forestry», «Verkhovyna Forestry», «Osmolod Forestry» and «Chernivtsi Forestry» branches. It has been found that more than half of timber harvesting is carried out by tractor skidding. Average skidding distances significantly exceed the optimal values for transport, which complicates the process of exploitation of forest resources and increases their cost. The study shows that the company mainly uses tracked equipment for timber skidding (53.8%), wheeled equipment (11.8%) and horse-drawn transport (34.4%) to a lesser extent. The distribution of developed forest areas indicates the dominance of tracked tractors (88.7%) in final felling, and horsedrawn transport (50.7%) in forest formation and improvement fellings. The data on average distances indicate the high efficiency of tracked tractors and the use of horse-drawn transport at distances exceeding the optimal values in mountainous terrain. The data show that in most areas the distance between horses skidding and a tractor does not exceed 60 meters. The length of skidding trails in the logging areas varies depending on their area, where the main skidding roads are used to transport timber to loading points. The practical significance of the research includes requirements implementation of the «Framework Convention on Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians» and the «Strategic Action Plan for the Implementation of the Protocol on Sustainable Forest Management». The introduction of modern ecological methods of preventing erosion processes on mountain slopes will contribute to greening of logging in the region and will have a significant positive effect in terms of nature conservation.

Key words: wood logging, timber transportation, tractor skidding, felling volume, mountain logging technology, slope steepness, average skidding distance, terrain, loading facilities.


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