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Identifi cation of spring wheat lines by the allelic state of Vrn genes for use in winter wheat breeding for carotenoid content

The aim of the research is allelic identifi cation of the genes Vrn A1, Vrn B1, Vrn B3, and Vrn D1 in 18 spring wheat samples and 3 lines obtained from winter-spring cross combinations with high carotenoid grain content for winter wheat breeding program.
The content of carotenoid pigments in the grain ranged from 0.20 to 8.3 mg/100 g in the analyzed 143 samples of soft wheat. Samples of spring wheat were identifi ed for high content of carotenoids (more than 4.5 mg/100 g of flour): Volgouralskaya, Kinelskaya 61, Lutescens 540, Lutescens 598, Lutescens 575, Lutescens 516, Kinelskaya 2010, Omskaya 41. According to the studies, the presence of the Vrn-A1 allele established in 4 spring wheat samples (Sibiryachka 4, Frontana, Izolda, Dynastiya). The heterozygous state of the Vrn-A1 gene was determined for the Saratovskaya Zolotistaya variety. The presence of the allele Vrn-B1 was identifi ed in the samples Fora, Leningradka, Izolda, Saratovskaya Zolotistaya, Omskiy Tsirkon, Omskaya 41, Lutescens 540. For the samples Lutescens 516, L224-5 the heterozygous state of the locus Vrn-B1was determined. Analysis of the Vrn-B3 gene confi rmed the presence of the Vrn-B3 allele in all tested samples. Only variety Dynastiya carried a dominant allele. The Vrn-D1 gene was identifi ed in a recessive state in samples Fora, Sibiryachka 4, Novosibirskaya 22, Frontana, Leningradka, Kinelskaya 2010, Kinelskaya 61, Volgouralskaya, Omskaya 41, Lutescens 516, Lutescens 540, Lutescens 598, L224–5. In the variety Omskiy Tsircon gene Vrn-D1 was in a heterozygous state.
The use of spring carriers of the trait – Samples Omskaya 41 and Lutescens 540, with one dominant gene
Vrn-A1, and Lutescens 516, with the dominant allele of the gene Vrn-A1 and polymorphic in the Vrn B1 gene – were the
most promising for the winter wheat breeding in the direction of increasing the carotenoids content in flour.

Key words: bread wheat, variety, line, vernalization, carotenoids, genes Vrn A1, Vrn B1, Vrn B3, Vrn D1.

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