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Growth, yield and preservation of parsnip roots for cultivation in the foothills of Transcarpathia

Parsnip is a valuable vegetable crop. Its roots are used in various sectors of the economy due to its rich chemical composition. But the area under the crop is insignifcant. Despite the signifcant number of scientifc publications, the issue of parsnip growth in the conditions of Transcarpathiahas not been explored. Therefore, the aim of our research was to study the processes of growth and development, yield and preservation of parsnip roots for cultivation in soil and climatic conditions of the foothills of Transcarpathia. When studying the phenology of varieties, it was noted that the period from the emergence of seedlings to the formation of a rosette of leaves was the shortest in the variety of Hungarian selection Felhosszu and lasted 31 days. The shortest interphase period "rosette formation – root formation", which lasted 41 days, was recorded on the variant with the variety of German selection Boris. The study of the biometric parameters of the rosette of parsnip leaves showed that its height and diameter are dominated by the Felhosszu variety – 69.8 and 38.4 cm, respectively. The number of leaves in the rosette (6.4 pcs.) was the maximum in the Borisvariety. The standard variety Petryk was distinguished by its length (26.8 cm), diameter (4.9 cm) and weight of root crops (158.8 g). This variety formed the highest yield – 56.7 t/ ha, within which 90.3 % were marketable products. The Boris variety formed a marketable harvest at the level of 45.9, and Felhosszu – 44.9 t/ha, which was 87.4 and 82.8 % of the total harvest, respectively. To study the best way to preserve products, we used three methods of storage: bulk in boxes, unwashed and washed in plastic bags. Maximum weight loss was observed during storage of root crops in bulk in boxes. They ranged from 6.2 to 6.7 %. The largest share of the mass was lost by the food organs of the German selection variety. But these losses in different storage methods were distributed unevenly over time. At the beginning of storage they were high enough, by January-February they sharply decreased, and further grew again. Among the methods of storing roots, the best one was to store them unwashed in plastic bags. In this way, the yield of marketable roots after long-term storage from late October to late May ranged from 92.8 to 93.6 % and was highest in the Petryk variety . This variety gave the highest yield of marketable roots and for their preservation in bulk in boxes and washed in plastic bags.
Key words: parsnip, phenophases, biometric parameters, roots, yield, safety.
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