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Growing different crops in the rotation of "Colos" agricultural farm of Skvyra District, Kyiv Region depending on the formation of microorganisms and fungi amount, changes in soil biological activity of potential nitrogen fixation activity
The research aimed at conducting monitoring of agrochemical and microbiological status of soils in "Colos" agricultural farm of Skvyra District, Kyiv Region after growing different crops for its results use in the management of growth and development of plants grown in the approved rotation on the farm .
For this purpose we planned to determine the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the farm soils, their acidity, to conduct microbiological monitoring, which would include the study of the number of microorganisms involved in the transformation of phosphorus, increasing the overall biological activity of the soil, the potential activity of nitrogen fixation, number of nitrogen fixators, nitrogenators, bacteria which use mineral nitrogen compounds, fungi composition and their amount.
The farm soils are characterized with increased and high content of exchangeable potassium, which gives rise to a decrease of its content and doses under growing crops in the rotation. At the same time, one should pay attention to the decreased and very low light hydrolyzed nitrogen in these soils, indicating the need for organic fertilizers in the form of manure, manure peat, manure soil composts, introducing syderal rotation crops, use of mineral nitrogen and its small-rate introducing, foliar plant nutrition. It is also obvious to use of microbial preparations from nitrogen-fixing bacteria for seed treatment will both improve the species composition of the microbiota and its strength.
The research analysis shows that the amount of bacteria which use mostly organic compounds (nitrogen fixators - the final product of NH3) are at the same level in the field number 7. As for fields 3 and 4, a rather high divergence (from 4,33 ± 2,03 to 2,0 ± 0,58) was revealed between them which emphasizes the weak intensity of the amonification process, which means that the following nitrification can provide plants with a sufficient amount of nitrate nitrogen. This is confirmed by the results of microorganisms accounting in the KAA environment. We have studied the biological activity of the soil, the potential activity of nitrogen fixation, the amount of bacteria nitrogen fixator microorganisms, amonifixators, bacteria using mineral nitrogen under certain crops, like this winter rape and soft winter wheat , sown after different predecessors.
The data of our study show that by growing winter rape after the winter barley and wheat soft winter the soil biological activity and potential nitrogen fixation activity did not differ or varied slightly despite the fact that differences in the number of microorganisms in the soil were quite significant. Thus, the amount of nitrogen fixators in soil in winter rape under its sowing after winter barley and soft winter wheat was at respectively 118.7 and 187.3 million/g of soil, i.e., the difference was 68.6 million/g soil. Moreover, the soil in winter rape under followed by sowing soft winter wheat, was inhabited with nitrogen-fixing bacteria better than under its sowing after winter barley. This obviously caused a larger potential of nitrogen fixation activity in winter rape under its subsequent sowing after soft winter wheat. Thus, under winter rape sowing after soft winter wheat it made 7.7 mg of nitrogen g/soil per hour, which is more than 0.6 CIM higher compared with sowing this crop after soft winter wheat. The same pattern is detected in the amount of amonificators, bacteria using mineral nitrogen and fungi.
Having changed the crop and the predecessor, after which it was grown, some regulation of the biological activity of the soil, the potential activity of nitrogen fixation, the number of nitrogen-fixing, amonifixating microorganisms, bacteria that use mineral nitrogen and mushrooms is possible in some way.
These studies show the superiority of the biological activity of the soil, the potential activity of nitrogen fixation, number of nitrogen fixators, amonificators, bacteria using mineral nitrogen in the soil under soft winter wheat, which was sown after its predecessor - pea seeds compared with the predecessor of buckwheat.
Key words: crop rotation, winter wheat, winter barley, peas, seeds, bacteria, fungi, nitrogen fixer, bacteria.
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