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Geometric characteristics of triticale grain depending on a variety
An urgent problem in our country is the development of highly technological production of processing plant raw materials. Its purpose is to obtain food products with increased phytochemical potential, functional products and products for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
The article presents the results of the study on the influence of the variety on the linear size of triticale grain, caryopsis volume, external surface area, caryopsis specific surface, coating surface volume and sphericity.
As a result of the studies, it is found that the length of triticale grain varies significantly depending on the variety. Thus, caryopsides of Rarytet and Etel varieties were the longest (8,8 mm with variability from 8,2 to 9,1 mm (V = 5 %)) which is significantly higher than the check variant (НІР05 = 0,4). The length of triticale grain of other varieties varied from 7,3 to 8,7 mm but the variation coefficient was insignificant (V = 1–3 %).
It is known that grain is very long having the length ≥ 9 mm; it is long of the length of 8–9 mm; it is average if the length is 6–8 mm; it is short if it is 5–6 mm and grain is very short ≤ 5 mm. We found that long caryopsides were formed in Valentine 90 (check variant), АД 42, АД 52, Papsuevska, Rarytet and Etel varieties (8,5–8,8 mm) and the grain length of other studied varieties was average (7,3–7,8 mm).
The caryopsis width of triticale grain varied from 2,4 to 3,5 mm. Caryopsides of Valentine 90 and АД 52 varieties had the largest width of 3,5 mm with a variation coefficient of 5 %.
Polius 90 variety had the smallest grain width (2,4 mm with a variation of 2,3–2,5 mm (V = 5 %)). Grain width was significantly less than the check variant (НІР05 = 0,1) (2,5–3,2 mm) in other varieties of triticale grain.
It is known that caryopsides are wide having the width of> 2 mm; they are average if it is 1,2–2,0 mm and they are narrow if it is 1,2 mm. According to this indicator, caryopsides of all varieties of triticale grain were very wide.
It is found that the largest thickness of Valentine 90 (check variant) variety is 4,6 mm with a variation from 4,2 to 4,8 mm (V = 6 %). The grain thickness of other varieties of triticale grain was significantly less than the check variant (НІР05 = 0,2) (3,4–4,2 mm). The smallest thickness was in Polius 90 variety (3,4 mm with variability from 3,3 to 3,5 mm) (V = 3 %).
Caryopsis volume varied from 31,1 to 70,8 mm3 depending on the variety. This indicator was the highest in Valentine 90 variety (check variant) (70,8 mm3) and the smallest one was in Polius 90 variety. This indicator was lower than the check variant by 15–50 % in other varieties.
According to the results of our studies, it is found that external surface area varied depending on the variety and was 86,8–146,7 mm2. The highest indicator was in Rarytet, АД 52, Etel and Valentine 90 (132,8–146,7 mm2) and the lowest one was in Polius 90, Karlyk and Blagodarny (86,8–97,6 mm2).
Caryopsis specific surface varied within the range of 2,1–2,8. All varieties exceeded the check variant which indicator was 2,1. Thus, the highest figure was in Polius 90 variety (2,8) which exceeds the check variant by 33 %. Caryopsis specific surface of other varieties was 2,2–2,7.
The results of studies showed that the least volume of coating surface was in triticale grain of Polius 90 variety (5,6 mm3). This indicator of other varieties was 6,2–8,6 mm3 and coating surface volume of the check variant was 9,5 mm3.
According to references, sphericity of 0,82–0,85 is characteristic for wheat grain and for rye it is 0,45–0,75.
It is found that triticale grain sphericity did not change significantly and was 0,54–0,58 depending on the variety.
In triticale grain, there is a direct strong correlation between external surface area and caryopsis volume (r = 0,97 ± 0,02) which is shown by the regression equation: y = 1,49x + 42,15, in which y–caryopsis volume, %; x–external surface area, %.
Key words: triticale, variety, length, width, thickness, volume, area, sphericity.
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