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Forming symbiotic apparatus and crop chickpea depending on mineral power and inoculation seeds
This article touches upon the effects of pre-sowing seed inoculation and different doses of fertilizers on symbiotic system performance and yield of chickpea seeds on ash soils of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.
Usually no natural soil native for chickpeas. Bean- rhizoid symbiosis is the result of matching genotypes macro- and micro-symbiosis.
One of the most important parameters of the intensity of atmospheric nitrogen fixing legume crops is the number of nodules on the roots of plants and their activity. Use active strains of rhizoid increased their number in all ways. Only a few are not inoculated chickpea plants formed a single, very large nodules that apparently fell from the seeds.
Today, the widespread use of drugs based on acquiring beneficial microorganisms which positively affect the growth, development and mineral nutrition of plants, can inhibit the development of pathogens, contribute significantly reduce pesticide load on the ground.
The problem of forming symbiotic system chickpea plants at different levels of mineral nitrogen supply and use of inoculation in the scientific literature revealed a very low volume, so further study of this question is relevant.
The study was conducted during 2011–2013 years in temporary experiment on the experimental field of Uman National University of Horticulture. Soil on the tested plots is hard clay black soil.
In the experiment cultivated chickpea variety Roseanne was used. Forms of fertilizers - ammonium nitrate, urea, double superphosphate, potassium chloride, ammonium molybdenum, ammonium sulphate. Limestone material - defecate, which application rate is calculated by hydrolytic acidity.
Phosphate, potash fertilizer and defecate were applied during autumn ploughing, nitrogen fertilizers - during pre-sowing cultivation and leaf nutrition - in the phase of bean formation of chickpeas. Before sowing the seeds were treated with suspension of Ryzobofit (specimen of nodule bacteria Mesorhizobium cicerі made from strain H-12 at the rate of 106 bacteria for a seed).
Found that pre-sowing seed treatment nutovoy Rizobofitom, fertilizing and defekatu normal N60P60K60 was optimal for obtaining seeds chickpeas with temporal indicators symbiotic system. Inoculation of seeds Ryzobofitom on a background of mineral fertilizers and liming soil (option CaCO3 + von + Mo + N30 + N30) enhances the intensity increase plant biomass, which determines the amount of commercially valuable crops.
High yield of providing for liming, making P60K60 for plowing and starting dose of nitrogen fertilizer (30 kg/ha D.V.) during pre-sowing cultivation and inoculation of seeds. In chickpea yield also had a significant impact weather conditions during the growing season and agrotechnical methods that have been studied in interrogation.
In the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine hard clay black soil inoculation of chickpea seeds bacterial agents shall be binding agrotechnological measure. This is especially true of the fields where the chick had not grown. The effectiveness of inoculation increased by liming background (or use molybdenum) and make starting dose of nitrogen fertilizer (30 kg/ha D.V.).
Key words: chickpeas, fertilizers, seed inoculation, nitrogen fixation, symbiosis, yielding capacity.
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