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Evolution of cereal crop of wheat In Ukraine on the different systems of agriculture to the XX century
The evolution of cereal crop of wheat is reflected at the primitive, extensive and partly transitional systems of agriculture in Ukraine. Concentrated attention on the grain growing of the three-field period, productivity and part of sowing areas of wheat. The presented results of archaeological researches, the basic elements of agrotechnics of wheat and possibility of export of grain of this cereal crop. The rapid evolution of wheat is set relatively to Pridneprov'e at the scythian epoch, and in VI-V cent. It was the leading plant in the south of Ukraine. The tribes of scythians grew wheat in the first millennium on the average and low Pridneprov'e and in the pool of Dnestr both for own needs and for an export. On the ХVI cent. on the south of Russia the basic areas of plough-land were under sowing of winter rye. In the second half of ХVIII v. A winter and fervent wheat was sown on the old-arable fat black grounds.
Scientists assume that tripil'ska hard wheat to a certain extent genetically was connected with the bulk of the Kuban wheats, that tribes of epoch of tripil'ska culture are next to millet, barley, sowed rye and different types of wheat. Research workers do not eliminate, that as early as antiquity to Ukraine some hard wheat was got from Asia Minor and greek Mediterranean. Some of them are Turk, Biloturka, Arnautka.
General collection of grain of wheat in the greek settlements of the black Sea coast would not provide an export to Greece in such considerable sizes without bringing in of harvest of wheat from numerous scythian settlements of the South. Such development of production of grain of wheat in the south was provided through passing (orientation from the VII cent. B.C.) to arable agriculture with application of ferrous instruments.
In ХІ-ХІІ cent. in the Ancient Rus' there was growth of quantity of urban population and expansion of bread trading in the state, that required the improvement of agricultural technique of growth of areas under grain-crops. Except for wheat, grew rye, barley, millet, oat, pea, lentil, buckwheat, hemps, flax. This is evidenced by archaeological finds and studies by scientists.
Literary pam''yatniki testify to the comparatively high culture of agriculture in Drevnerosiyskiy to the state . Yes, in "Russkoy of pravde" (ХІ-ХІІ of item) specified on vessels with breadstuffs, among which were also m''yaka and hard (polba) wheat (next to rye, oat and barley). In "Voproshanii Kirikovom" a wheat is pointed right behind a pea and lentil.
Comparatively good development of wheat in Pridniprovja is fixed by scientists in a scythian epoch. Orientation from the VI-V cent. B.C. in the south of Ukraine leading cereals was wheat.
Scythian agricultural tribes grew wheat in the first millennium B.C. on the average and low Pridniprovja and in the pool of Dnestr (as well as in the north Greater Black Sea area) not only for the personal consumption but also for an export. In the XVI cent. on the south of Russia at the steam and swidden systems of agriculture dominant position was occupied by winter rye.
The Russian steppe hard wheat was grown in the different places of country under the different names: on Volga – "Biloturka", in Petersburg is "Kubanka", in Ukraine and in the north Greater Black Sea area are "Arnautka" and "Turk".
Key words: evolution, wheat, systems of agriculture, export, productivity, grain-crops, sowing areas.
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