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Ecological problems of modern corn protection systems against harmful organisms in Ukraine: review

Maize remains one of the few grain crops that in terms of marginality aand cultivation volumes in agribusiness is not inferior to traditional field crops. This agricultural crop currently also provides a fairly significant share of foreign exchange earnings from the export of agricultural products and remains highly profitable in the farms in compliance with cultivation technologies. Modern grain cultivation technologies involve the extensive use of chemical plant protection agents against pests, diseases, and weeds. The application of pesticides in grain crops is a crucial factor guaranteeing improved quality of crop products and high yields of agricultural crops. In this regard there are high demands on pesticides themselves. They must ensure biological effectiveness with minimal consumption rates, be as environmentally friendly as possible, including showing no harmful effects on soil, plants, and other beneficial organisms, and have low persistence in the natural environment. Therefore, scientific research related to the chemical plant protection ecologization against harmful organisms and reducing the impact of pesticides on the natural environment are quite relevant. Based on researched foreign literature information on the use of pesticides in the world has been summarized. Data on the use of plant protection products in Ukraine are presented. The article outlines the main adverse consequences of widespread pesticide use in maize chemical protection, namely phytotoxic effects on plants, negative impact on beneficial entomofauna, soil microbiome, resistance manifestation, and accumulation of pesticide residues in plants and soil.

Key words: corn, pesticides, chemical pollution, biological diversity, soil microbiological activity, resistance.


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