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Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in bootstrap_table() (line 238 of /var/www/html/sites/all/themes/bootstrap/templates/system/table.func.php).Creation and storage of oats collection when biotechnological technique is used
The research was carried out to identify some peculiar conditions for the formation of an active collection of oats in vitro and the creation of a balanced composition of culture medium with the content of various mineral and hormonal components, which would ensure a long-term and economically expedient storage of cultural plants of oats at an optimal temperature regime.
Cultural oats plants of a different breeding direction in a non-rooted condition were used for deposition.
The conducted research aimed at the improvement of the composition of culture medium for deposition has proved that it is advisable to use medium by the recommendation of Hamborh and Eveleh (GB) with the addition of BAP (benzylaminopurine). Based on the data received it was possible to state that BAP concentration – 0,3 mg/l, which was added to culture medium, was the most optimal one, and the increase of BAP concentration to 0,5 mg/l resulted in the most active oats sprout formation, which was not acceptable in the process of the collection storage in vitro. The research confirmed that BAP concentration 0.1 mg/l and 0.2 mg/l had no effect on oats sprout formation.
The effect of cytokinins and carbohydrates was studied, their optimal concentrations in the composition of culture medium were chosen. It has been proved experimentally that it is not advisable to use kinetin for oats regardless of the concentrations because it causes the formation of additional sprouts which is not desirable in this case. The addition of sucrose and glucose into culture medium at concentrations from 30 to 80 g/l showed that regardless of glucose concentrations the indicators of a height and number of sprouts were higher as compared with sucrose, which was not good in this storage process of oats collection. It has been established that at sucrose concentration 70–80 g/l cultural oats plants are 16–25 cm high and have 12–15 sprouts, but after a long-term storage, after 6 months, they become more suppressed and a higher percentage of necrosis-affected pants is observed. The most efficient sucrose concentration ranges from 40 to 50 g/l, it allows to get the number of sprouts 5–7 pieces and a height of cultural oats plants 7–9 cm.
One of the most important factors of plant deposition is the effect of low positive temperatures. Temperature regimes from +6 to +16 °С, at which a condition and a period of plant material storage were studied, showed that temperatures +6 °С and +8 °С during a long-term storage facilitated the plants of oats parent material in vitro to undergo the stage of vernalization which was an undesirable phenomenon during deposition.
The following was received at temperature regime +10 °С: a slight sprout increase 0.8±0.2 cm, a plant height 7 cm, and the number of sprouts 3–4 pieces; it turned out to be the most optimal among the studied temperatures.
A collection storage period showed that a high percentage of cultural oats was recorded in the 8th and 10th months of storage; this indicator was 89 % and 82 %, respectively. At temperature +10 °С and +8 °С and +6 °С during four months of deposition, plant material remained in an unchanged state and 100 % were stored; however, a considerable decrease in the amount of plant material occurred after a longer storage.
The preservation of the oats collection at temperature regimes +14 °С and +12 °С and 65 and 55 days of active growth was at level 42 and 45 % of cultural plants after 12 months of storage.
It has to be stated that the percentage of plants during a storage period decreased seriously after 10 months of deposition almost in all studied variants. It has been established that the most optimal positive temperature to store parent oats material is + 10 °С, which ensures up to 69.5 % of plant preservation.
Key words: culture medium, temperature regime, concentrations, cytokinins, carbohydrates, storage duration.
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