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The contribution of food products grown on household plots in the formation of the radiation exposure doses of the population living in the radioactive contaminated territories of forest-steppe area

Investigated the activity of 137Cs and 90Sr in milk, meat, potatoes and other vegetables that are grown in garden plots of residents of villages of Yosypovka and Tarasovka Belotserkovsky district Kiev area exposed to radioactive contamination as a result of the Chernobyl catastrophe. With the consumption of food products, which is produced on household plots, the dose of internal radiation exposure of the inhabitants of the village Yosypovka is 0,065 mSv/year, and the village Tarasovka - 0,0283 mSv/year. The largest contribution to the internal dose makes the consumption of milk and potatoes.

Key words: radionuclides 137Cs and 90Sr, food products, household plots, milk, meat, potatoes, a dose of internal exposure.



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