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Breeding self-fertile SM and МS of sugar beet lines and selecting best ones for breeding and economic valuable attributes

The aim of the researches was to breed new combination valuable self-fertile (Sf) sterility maintainers (FS) and their mail sterility (МS) analogues (а) as well as to select the new outbred SfМS line-testers (t), with a complex of valuable traits. It was established, that the share of self-pollinated plants varied from 62.0 up to 80.0 % in self-fertile hybrid generation. The lowest parameters were noted for hybrids-synthetics with the donor D3 M3 Sf for both recipients (64,4 and 62.0 % respectively). The offspring of the donor D1 G5 Sf380 showed a larger part of self-pollinated plants – from 76.2 % with the recipient R1 FS1 and 74.7 % with – R2 FS2 . Breeding for better seed pollination level was conducted. Analyzing crossings of the candidates for SfFS, with their МSа and МSt with the subsequent study of the offspring (F1 F2 ) МS of plants was carried out in conditions of strict isolation in order to estimate their sterility maintainers ability. F3 generations have received at weakened inbreeding, in group isolators and F4 on the isolated sites for free flight of pollen. At 100 % fertility of the candidates in SfFS and their МS 55  with 95–98% sterility, the hybrid generation had sterility and monogerm of 99–100 %. To all selection-valuable attributes the Only 25 % of the studied materials with МS new SfFS and their simple hybrids had satisfactory parameters. As for other numbers, formed with hybrids with МS hybrid and outbred FS of O type (МSt×SfFS), significant deviations in the "sterility" trait 92–58 % were noted. The best new materials were studied in sort testing for their efficiency estimation. SfFS candidates had good parameters for "sugar contents" trait – 19.18 %, while the standard had 19.01 %. The study of parameters МSа and МSt of lines with subsequent by selection perspective was important for successful hybrids breeding. The collection of the initial forms of Verhnyatska RSS was enlarged with new SfFS and their MS lines which is a source of valuable traits of the future parent components of hybrids as a result of the breeding.

Key words: sugar beet, monogerm, pollinator, fertility, selection, hybrid, productivity.


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