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Beetroot plants foliar feeding efficiency in the Western forest-Steppe of Ukraine
The article highlights the results of the influence of foliar beetroot trace elements on the productivity of root crops. According to the results of the research, foliar application of micronutrients influenced the yield of root crops beetroot positively in the studied varieties.
During the studies years there have been observed differences in the yield depending on the rate of trace elements in foliar feeding. So, in 2011, the highest yield was characterized choices where made of boron minerals with application rate (5,00 kg/ha and 5,50 kg/ha), respectively, the variety Harold, the figure was – 41,1 t/ha and 40,6 t/ha depending on the biological characteristics of the varieties Kestrel this index had the highest value, respectively 53,2 t/ha and 53,3 t/ha, a Similar trend was noted in the subsequent years of research. In 2012-2013 introduction boron micronutrients resulted in more significant effect than the introduction of copper and molybdenum minerals. So, in 2012, in versions where made of boron minerals with application rate (5,00 kg/ha and 5,50 kg/ha) yield of roots was 42,3 t/ha and 42,8 t/ha cultivar Harold, and – 58,7 t/ha and 58,0 t/ha at varieties Kestrel, respectively.
2013 has been a reduction in yield compared to 2012 and the yield of roots was 41,3 t/ha and 41,4 t/ha and 56,8 t/ha and 56,7 t/ha, respectively. Slightly lower yield was observed when depositing molybdenum and copper minerals with different rate throughout the study period.
The lowest yield of roots was observed in 2011, the highest in 2012 and 2013 Comparing moisture conditions over the years, it should be noted that the most favourable for the growth and development of plants beetroot and formation of a high yield was 2012.
The obtained results confirm that the yield of root crops beetroot, depends on the individual productivity of plants, varieties, and also the rate of trace elements in foliar feeding.
Average years of research from foliar boron highest yield of root crops varieties Harold received from the rate of 5,00 kg/ha of 41,6 t/ha, which is 2,7 t/ha higher than the control variant. Similar figures and varieties Kestrel, on average, for three years, received a yield of 56,2 t/ha, on this very variant (5,00 kg/ha), higher than control 2,9 t/ha.
From processing plants in trace elements (molybdenum) have also increased yields. The most effective rate was 0,200 kg/ha, the variety Harold average for three years received a yield of 40,3 t/ha, which exceeds the control 1,6 t/ha, sort Kestrel – 54,7 t/ha – 1,8 t/ha, respectively.
High yields of roots obtained from foliar micronutrients (copper) of the investigated variants of the most effective provision is 2,00 kg/ha.
Thus, varieties of Harold average for 2011-2013 experimental studies yield of root crops amounted to 38,8 t/ha, which is higher than 2,0 t/ha in control variants. The yields of root crops varieties Kestrel were similar and amounted to – 53,7 t/ha, higher than control 2,2 t/ha.
Experimental research has shown that foliar application of plant beetroot trace elements boron, molybdenum and copper affect the value of the crop roots and give the opportunity to receive quality products. The most effective norms for foliar feeding is: boron (boric acid) – 5,00 kg/ha of molybdenum (molybdenum acid ammonium) – 0,200 kg/ha, copper (copper sulphate) – 2.00 kg/ha. Obtained a higher yield varieties Harold – 41,6 t/ha 40,3; 38,8 t/ha, sort Kestrel – 56,2 t/ha 54,7; 53,7 t/ha , respectively.
Key words: red beet, roots, foliar nutrition, productivity, fertilizer, sort (varieties).
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