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Assessment of the potential of mustard by-products for fertilizer

The purpose of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of using mustard harvest residues as fertilizer. Laboratory, measuring-weighing and mathematicalstatistical methods were used in the research. With the development of research on bioenergy, a number of authors propose to use by-products (straw and other residues) for the production of biofuel. However, it has been proven by plant scientists that plowing of crop residues ensures the replenishment of soil organic matter reserves, mineral nutrition elements and the reduction of the cost of grown products due to the reduction of the amount of applied mineral fertilizers. It was found that among the studied oilseed crops, the largest biomass potential was obtained from the cultivation of sunflower and soybean, the smallest – black mustard. But, even with a mustard seed yield of 1.52 t/ha in terms of straw, 30.4 kg/ha of potassium can be obtained from each hectare, or 1.6 times more than from soybean straw, as well as 21.28 kg/ha nitrogen and 7.6 kg/ha of phosphorus. When using black mustard straw for biofuel, the yield of which nutrients is the lowest compared to other oil crops to replenish the balance, it will be necessary to apply 54.6 kg/ha of mineral fertilizers in the amount of 52.5 thousand hryvnias/ha. The largest additional costs for mineral fertilizers will be more than UAH 240,000/ha for the extraction of sunflower straw for biofuel, even with its yield of 2.0 t/ha. Therefore, in the conditions of shortage of organic fertilizers in modern agriculture, crop residues can successfully replace the lack of organic fertilizers and replenish soil reserves with elements of mineral nutrition. Therefore, with a significant increase in mineral fertilizers and a reduction in the use of organic fertilizers, it is advisable to plow the by-products of mustard and other agricultural crops, and not use them for the production of biofuel, which will ensure the replenishment of the soil with mineral nutrients and reduce the cost of production by reducing the amount of applied mineral fertilizers.

Key words: productivity, gross collection, yield of straw, nutrients, mineral fertilizers.


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