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Assessment of polygenic resistance of the aster annual ligula class samples against fusarium wilt


According to the results of immunologic assessment of Ligula Class C. chinensis L. Nees collection, some samples were distributed by the manifestation of their resistance to Fusarium wilt into immune (R) – 20,2 %, practically resistant (R +) – 48.9 %, medium resistant (S /) – 23.4 %, sensitive (S) – 5.3 % and very sensitive (S +) – 2.2 %. 35.8 % of the samples  in the Ligula Class collection are of practical importance for selection as the source of polygenic resistance against the Fusarium wilt pathogen and 64.2% of samples provide intensive development of both high- and low virulent pathogens. In terms of the Curly type of I-immune (R ) resistance group is represented by Giant Ray Silvery Rose sample. Group II resistance – virtually stable (R +) is presented with Giant Ray Red, Giant Ray White, Goldschrall samples, with the signs of high stability for  Goldschrall, middle – for Giant Ray Red, very low level of stability –for Giant Ray White. Group III resistance –medium resistant (S /) – is presented with Giant Ray Red Pure White, Giant Ray Silvery Blue, Giant Ray Yellow, Giant Ray Mid Blue, with Giant Ray Silvery Blue, Giant Ray Yellow to have signs of very high stability, Giant Ray Red Pure White, Giant Ray Mid Blue - high ones.

In terms of the type Radial, resistance group I-immune (R) is represented with – Rancova Zorja, Julia, Florettsamples, group resistance II – practically (R +) – with Adretta, Babushkin Sarafan, Vresneva, Goluboi Pauchok, Ludmila, Polina, Swanhild, Prazdnichnaja, Harzgruss, Silberreiher, Exotica Red, Exotica White, Rubinovi Zwjozdy, with very high signs of resistance in Ludmila and Polina samples, high – in Swanhild, Harzgruss samples, middle – in Adretta, Babushkin Sarafan, Vresneva, Goluboi Pauchok,  low resistance – in Prazdnichnaja, Silberreiher, Exotica Red, Exotica White, Rubinovi Zwjozdy. Group resistance – III medium (S /) is represented with Leleca, Pamjat, Darunok Matery, Djioconda, Zwezda Poljesja, Neschnost, Filigran, Unicum Rose samples with very high signs of resistance in Leleca, Darunok Matery, Djioconda, Zwezda Poljesja, Neschnost samples, high – in Pamjat, Filigran, low – in Unicum Rose sample.

In terms of the type Tiled, the resistance group I-immune (R) is represented with Victoria Weis, Victoria Dunkelviolet, Voronez White, Voronez Rosovaja, Voronez Border Lilac, Zwerg Aster Weis samples, the resistance group II – practically stable (R +) is represented with – Voronez Lilac, Zarevo, Zwerg Aster Feuerkugel, Zwerg Aster Lachrosa, Zwerg Aster Dunkelblau, Zwerg Aster Violet samples, with very high signs of resistance in Zwerg Aster Lachrosa samples, middle – in Zwerg Aster Dunkelblau samples, low resistance – in Voronez Lilac, Zarevo, Zwerg Aster Feuerkugel, Zwerg Aster Violet samples.

In terms of the type Acerous, the resistance group II – practically (R +) is represented with Deep Scarlet, Sutinki, Riviera Lavender Rose samples, with the signs of high resistance in Riviera Lavender Rose sample, low resistance - Deep Scarlet, Sutinki samples. The resistance froup III – medium resistant (S /) is represented withRiviera Carmesin Rose, Riviera Monako, Riviera Monte Carlo, Riviera San Remo, Riviera San Trope, Riviera Blausamples, with very high signs of resistance in Riviera Carmesin Rose, Riviera Monako, Riviera San Trope samples, high – in Riviera Monte Carlo, Riviera Blau samples, middle – in Riviera San Remo.

As a result of immunologic evaluations of sample set of the Hemispherical type collection, the resistance group
I-immune (R) is represented with Russkaja Crasaviza, Duchess Red, Schunheit Hell Rosa, Goldschatz, Silberfunke, Riopep Weis, Riopep Silberrosa samples, resistance group II – practically resistant (R +) is represented with  Mzenskij Rubin, Odarca, Riopep Rot, Riopep Dunkelblau, Fakel, Flamir Weis Blau, Flamir Rot, Jabluneva, Blauer Turm, Roter Turm, Rosa Turm, Duchess Crimson, Sedaja Dame; Rosen Feurigscharlach, Rosen Hell Violett, Rosen Dunkelrot, Vesnjanca, Zhemchug, Nadija, Olanca, Schuriheit Weis samples, with very high signs of resistance – inRiopep Rot, Rosen Feurigscharlach samples, high – Mzenskij Rubin, Odarca, Jabluneva, Blauer Turm, medium – inZhemchug, Nadija samples, low resistance – in Riopep Dunkelblau, Flamir Weis Blau, Roter Turm, Rosa Turm, Duchess Crimson, Sedaja Dame, Rosen Hell Violett, Rosen Dunkelrot, Olanca samples, very low – in Fakel, Flamir Rot, Vesnjanca, Schuriheit Weis samples. Resistance group III – medium resistant (S /) is represented with Golubij Vischor, Janina, Weiss Turm, Shamo Turm, with very high signs of resistance in Golubij Vischor, high Janina, Weiss Turm, Shamo Turm samples.

Key words: C. chinensis (L.) Nees., immunological assessment, polygenic resistance, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. callistephi pathogen, samples.




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