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Wheat varieties and first generation hybrids resistance to septoriosis under the conditions of North-East Forest Steppe regions of Ukraine
The research aim: studying genetic diversity of soft winter wheat varieties collection and their hybrids concerning their resistance under the conditions of natural infectious background in the north-east forest and steppe regions of Ukraine; formation of genotypes work collection for obtaining new selection material.
125 sorts of winter wheat varieties were used as the research material, which are listed in the National register of crop varieties, suitable for distribution in Ukraine in 2012 and 28 first generation hybrids.
The researches were conducted during 2012-2014 on the research field of Sumy National Agrarian University. The field is located in Sumy region in the north-eastern part of forest-steppe. Buckwheat was a precrop.
The research setting in the collection seedbed was conducted on the plots with the area of 1 м2 by hand SR-1 seeder, 3 times repeating, arranged in systemic way. The varieties – carriers of wheat-rye translocations – were used in the hybridization : 1AL/1RS – Zolotokosa, Vesnianka; 1 BL/1RS – Kryzhynka and Remeslivna. Hybridization was carried out by the scheme of reciprocal crossing according to the generally accepted methods. F1 sowing was made by hand in the hybrid seedbed together with parental forms according to the scheme: ♀ – F1 – F1 (reciprocal combination) – ♂. Phenological observation, accounting and assessment, testing the varieties collection and hybrids resistance to septoriosis were conducted on the natural infectious background.
Crops features phenotype predominance degree index in the first generation hybrids was determined with the formula of B. Griffing; the data grouping was made according to the classification of G. Beil, R. Atkins. Mathematical data processing was conducted with the computer software Microsoft Excel 2003.
In 2013-2014 testing soft winter wheat samples collection resistance for septoriosis resistance was conducted. The research varieties were divided into four groups: 8,8 % – highly sensitive, 4, % – sensitive, 33,6 % – slightly sensitive, 16,8 % – stable. Three varieties were singled out with 7 points resistance – Smuglianka, Myronivska Zolotoverkha and Oberih Myronivshchyny and 18 varieties with the resistance of 6 points – Vesnianka, Zolotokosa, Zymoiarka, Demetra, Kalynova, Kolos Myronivshchyny, Remeslivna, Kuialnyk, Syrena Odeska, Myronivska 67, Ukrainka Odes’ka, Turunchuk, Kryzhynka, Stolychna, Elehiia, Akter, Lars.
These sorts are of great value for the practical selection regarding their resistance to septoriosis agent. According to the results of hybridology analysis, 3,6 % of hybrid combinations with high resistance (8,5 points) were revealed. 46,4 % of hybrids had 7-6 points resistance to septoriosis agent. 35,7 % of hybrids were slightly sensitive. 14,3 % of combinations were sensitive. On the basis of phenotype predominance degree index it was revealed that among hybrid combinations 32,1 % showed overdominance, 14,3 % – partial positive dominance, 14,3 % – intermediate feature inheritance, 21,4 % – partial negative dominance, 17,9 % – depression.
Hybrid combinations with overdominance (hp = 1,2-18) reciprocal – Zolotokosa / Ovidii, Vesnianka / Kalynova and direct – Zolotokosa / Astet, Zolotokosa / Kuialnyk, Zolotokosa / Kosoch, Kryzhynka / Remeslivna and inverse – Podolianka / Zolotokosa are of the greatest value in the selection of soft winter wheat resistance to septoriosis. In five combinations of nine maternal forms have 1AL / 1RS translocation, and three combinations of parental forms and one combination with both parental and maternal forms have 1BL / 1RS translocation. Hybrid resistance in this group was higher according to the indices of parental forms. The dominance of parental form (hp = 0,8-1) was found out in four reciprocal combinations : Doskonala / Zolotokosa, Tsarivna / Zolotokosa, Astet / Zolotokosa, Vesnianka / Poliska 9. In three combinations a parental form brings 1AL/1RS translocation (Zolotokosa variety) and one combination has a maternal form (Vesnianka variety). Direct combinations – Zolotokosa / Tsarivna, Kryzhynka / Rozkishna and inverse combinations – Vilshana / Zolotokosa, Antonivka / Zolotokosa were characterized by intermediate inheritance (hp = from -0,5 to 0,3). There was one combination, whose maternal form had 1AL/1RS translocation, and one – 1BL/1RS translocation, and two combinations where parental form had 1AL/1RS translocation. Partial negative inheritance (hp = from -1 to -0,6) is typicalic for hybrid combinations – Zolotokosa / Doskonala, Zolotokosa / Vilshana, Zolotokosa / Antonivka, Kosoch / Zolotokosa, Poliska 90 / Vesnianka, Remeslivna / Kryzhynka. In three combinations maternal forms have1AL/1RS translocation, and in two combinations parental forms and in one combination both parental and maternal forms have 1BL/1RS translocation. «Depression» type of inheritance (hp = from -1,2 to -9) was found out in hybrids like Kuialnyk / Zolotokosa, Zolotokosa / Podolianka, Vesnianka / Vasylyna, Vasylyna / Vesnianka and Rozkishna / Kryzhynka.
Among the five combinations two in maternal forms have 1AL/1RS translocation and two in parental forms and one in parental form have 1BL/1RS translocation. The hybrid resistance in this group was lower by the parental forms indices. Heterosis was observed in nine hybrid combinations; it was 32,1 % of the samples researched. Negative effect of heterosis was in 17 combinations (60,7 %). The highest effect of heterosis – 31,5 % – was found out in the Kalynova / Vesnianka. combination
Key words: winter wheat, resistance, variety, resistance genes, septoriose.
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