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Soil biological activity change under tare-oat mixtures by different systems of soil tillage and levels of fertilization
The soil biological activity depends on many factors. These include the weather conditions, technology, agriculture, and the kinds of crops. The successful conduct of ecological agriculture requires the high biological activity of the soil. Only organic substances that fall into the soil as a result of manure application and cultivation of forage leguminous and intermediates crops can actually be used. Soil microbial activity is affected by various factors. These include the organic matter content, acid index, soil physical properties, and course of the growing season. In many of these factors (except natural conditions) can be influenced by farming activities carrying out.
The use of growing crops flawed technologies degrades the soil biological activity. In literary sources the estimation of different influence of agricultural technologies on the activity of soil microorganisms is contradictory.
The research was conducted in a stationary field experiment during the 2009-2014 on experimental field of Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University in 5-fields fetus change rotation, expanded in space and time with 40 % saturation of cereals. We studied four basic tillage system and four levels of fertilizer.
In researches we spent the assessment of soil biological activity by the intensity of decomposition linen fabric in soil and the number of dedicated carbon dioxide. Biological activity is slightly higher under tare-oat mixtures than in other cultivated plants of crop rotation due to the fact that under fodder beet cultivation was carried out deep and were introduced the significant rules of organic fertilizers. Thus, for the period from 1st of May to 30th of May and from 1st of June to 30th of June, the weight of linen fabric reducing in the plow layer of black soil was respectively: by the systematic rack cultivation – 16.3 and 27.7 %, systematic without rack 19.5 and 30.2, combined – 15.5 and 25.6 and long shallow – 15.5 and 25.4 %. The difference in the amount of carbon dioxide that released during the first (from 1.05 to 30.05) and second (from 1.06 to 30.06) terms of definitions made per day, respectively, for the systematic rack cultivation – 351.5 and 367.5; combined – 111.6 and 217.2, long shallow 164.6 and in favor of plowing 306.0 mg/m2 per day.
The increase in fertilizer level is causes the discharge intensity of carbon dioxide increased from the arable layer soil. Thus, the introduction of a single level of fertilizer per 1 ha of arable of crop rotation the selection of carbon dioxide has increased by 6.85 %, double level – 12.87 % and triple level – by 18.47 % as compared with non-fertilized variants. Somewhat higher biological activity of the soil in the rotation is observed by without rack system than the combined and long shallow systems.
This figure was the lowest by the systematic rack cultivation. Our data are reflecting with the findings of scientists that in the lower layers, even at very high soil structuring the biological processes take place at a relatively in the low level. These layers of soil are less active by the surface cultivation, which means more slowly conversion of organic matter and the formation available nutrients for plants. Maximum biological activity of soil was observed in the 0-10 cm layer, which earned the fertilizers and stubble, and the 10-20 and 20-30 cm layers the biological activity is decreased. For the combined and long shallow cultivation is observed a similar tendency. The highest biological activity of 0-10 cm soil layer is fixed by the without rack systematic cultivation with the double level of fertilization introduction.
In plant products manufacturing еру soil fertility increasing depends not only on organic and mineral components introduction and quality of tillage, but also on the compliance with the rules of predecessors selection and correct conduct of crop rotation. Maximum soil biological activity was observed in the 0-10 cm layer, which earned the fertilizers and stubble, and in the 10-20 and 20-30 cm layers biological activity is decreased.
Key words: soil biological activity, tare-oat mixtures, tillage system, level of fertilization.
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