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Dependence of fi eld germination and survival of chamomile plants on vegetation and agro-technical factors

The purpose of the research was to study the essence of ensuring high germination of seeds and survival of chamomile plants depending on the variety, seeding rate and sowing time in the Right-bank Forest Steppe. Chamomile plants have been found to be signifi cantly responsive to the soil and climatic conditions of the region, which has led to uneven seedlings, so it is important to investigate agrotechnological techniques aimed at increasing of seed germination energy and simultaneity of sprouts. The agrobiological features of medicinal plants cultivation in the conditions of the RightBank Forest Steppe, in particular, of chamomile (Matricaria recutita), which is most used in offi cial and folk medicine among medicinal plants due to the presence of various biologically active substances in it, were investigated. The study was conducted with samples of chamomile plants in the area of the Right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine (field of study (IE Prudyvus), a branch of the department of Podilsky State Agrarian and Technical University), taking into account all the requirements of the methodology of the research case. The following results were obtained: the period of vegetation of chamomile was mainly dependent on the sowing time, the duration ranged from 83 to 240 days; fi eld germination of chamomile plants in the average for 2017‒2019 was in the range of 71‒89 %; the maximum rate of plant survival at the end of the growing season was 93 %, which was obtained on the variant of autumn sowing with a sowing rate of 6 kg/ha in the Perlyna of the Forest-steppe, the minimum indicator was noted 72 % for the summer sowing with a sowing rate of 8 kg/ha in the Bodegold variety; the germination and survival rate exceeded the control by
10‒13 %.
Today, this crop is quite widespread and is cultivated independently of the fi rst established cultivation areas and existing research stations of medicinal plants, and in particular, as a culture of a wide range of use of raw materials both in Ukraine and abroad.
Key words: chamomile, variety, seeding rate, sowing period, fi eld germination, plant survival, vegetation factors.

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