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The influence of biostimulants and microbiological preparation on the production process of peas (Pisum sativum L.) in the drought Steppe of Ukraine
The use of plant growth bioregulators and microbiological preparations stimulates growth processes, improves nitrogen nutrition, and enhances crop resistance to adverse conditions. Therefore, the aim of the work was to elucidate the characteristics of the additive effect of biostimulants (Stimpo, Regoplant) and the microbiological preparation Azotofit-R on the growth, development, formation of a photoassimilating apparatus and the productivity of peas Oplot variety in the dry Steppe of Ukraine.
Presowing and foliar treatments with biological products were made in the doses recommended by the manufacturers. The number of root nodules was calculated, the leaf area index, the content of chlorophyll were determined, and the netto-photosynthesis productivity was calculated in the experiment. The structural elements of the biological productivity of pea crops were recorded.
It is established that Stimpo and Regoplant combined with Azotofit-r contributed to increase in the numbers of nodules by 14–17 % till flowering stage in comparison with the variants under the separate application of biostimulants. Presowing treatment of peas seeds and foliar treatment with more active leaves surface formation was noticed under combined application of biopreparations compared to separate one and it promoted the raise of netto-photosynthesis. Synergistic interaction of biostimulants (Stimpo, Regoplant) with bioactivator (Azotofit) was observed in the processes of chlorophyll synthesis and accumulation. Combined interaction of Stimpo, Regoplant with Azotofit rised the beans number per plant by 8 % to 28 %, and weight of 1000 seeds by 4.4 % to 6.3 % respectively. Under separate application of Azotofit, Stimpo, Regoplant, the biological yield of peas crop was 3.4, 3.8 and 3.4 t/ha. Whereas, under combined application of biopreparations (Аzotofit+Stimpo) the yield was – 4.4 t/ha and (Аzotofit+Regoplant) – 4.2 t/ha and its exceeded the control yield (3.1 t/ha) of peas.
These data confirm the results of biopreparations positive influence on legumine biological productivity, which indicates a future perspective to research the productive processes under biopreparations effect.
Key words: biostimulator, Rehoplant, Stimpo, Azotofit, pea, photoassimilation apparatus, yield.
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