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Selection-valuable МS lines of sugar beet study and selection for trial hybrids
The aim of the researches was to study of elements of new МS lines of sugar beet efficiency from a collection of the varieties of Verhnyatska research selection station (VRSS). The materials were obtained on the recombination of foreign hybrids for intsuxt, purposeful analyzing crossings and reusable individual selections. We carried out the study of their genetic potential on the parameters of the basic selection valuable traits of "sterility" and "monogerm" as well as their economic valuable traits – "productivity", and "sugar content". On the basis man sterility (МS) of lines, the parent components of hybrids were created. The hybrids, received in wide ecological conditions, with the large spectrum pollinators have shown a high level heterozis. On the results of researches the estimation of hybrids is induced at participation, recombination MS of MS1 and MS2 lines. The line MS2 was the best behind on a parameter of sugar yield from a hectare (108.8 %) in comparison with a line MS1 (107.6–108.0 %). It is noted that the efficiency of trial hybrids of a sterile line – MS2 is closely dependent with pollinators. Such dependence was unequal in the same combination of MS of a line at test in different conditions with different pollinators. This dependence has specific features. Thus, in a combination with pollinators 1801 (Belotserkivska BRSS) the hybrids were differed considerably in sugar content – 98.9 %, at the productivity of 110.8 %. With the pollinators 1808 (Ivanivska RSS) sugar content was higher 102.1 % at the productivity of 106.9 %. Ii is proved that the efficiency of heterozis hybrids depends both on genetic potential of a maternal component, and on pathernal one. The study specifies efficiency and expediency of using geneplasm’s pollinators of a different origin in selection process. To create material with a rich source of various selection valuable traits used as donors, products foreign origin splitting is possible. Collection of selection materials of Verhnyachska RSS is added with new selection and economic valuable MS lines with high genetic potential.
Key words: sugar beet, recombination, monogerm, sterility, selection, hybrid, productivity, increased sugar.
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