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Analysis of structure and condition of the dendroflora of Kryukovshchina park in Kiev-Svyatoshyn district, Kyiv region
doi: 10.33245/2310-9270-2018-142-2-79-89
Aims: to make a comprehensive analysis of the rural park dendroflora, to define the value of plantations and develop measures to preserve and reconstruct the plantations.
The inventory was conducted in accordance with the regulations requirements. Plant species composition was determined by morphological features using the description of three-volume edition Dendroflora of Ukraine. Trunks diameter were measured using callipers, trees height – with an altimeter, approximate age was defined visually. The sanitary condition of trees was defined in compliance with the Sanitary Requirements for forests in Ukraine. Landscape analysis of the territory occupied by plantings was conducted by N.M. Tyulpanov method, the integral value of plantations was defined by our own methods.
The inventory has found that 1,165 trees and bushes grew in the Kryukovshchina village park by the stocktaking time. Of these, the majority (96 %) are aged between 15 and 50, only 1.2 % of the trees aged over 50, and 3.8 % belong to the group of trees up to 15 years. 44.2 % of the species identified in the inventory were made by aboriginal trees, while the rest – 55.8% – by the introduced species. Woody plants are represented by 38 species, 1 decorative form -1and 1 variety belonging to 13-families and 27 genera.
The main species growing in the park are Acer sacharinum L., Tillia cordata Mill., Betula pendula L., Populus nigra L., Tillia platipholius Scop., Aesculus hippocastaneum L., Acer platanoides L., sycamore maple Acer pseudoplatanum L., Carpinus betulus L., Fraxinus excelsior L., other types are represented by a small number of samples. Some trees appeared in the park as self-sown plants, these are Acer negundo L., Prunus divaricata Ledeb., Juglans regia L., Morus alba L. The trees of these species are 5-15 years old.
Some Hornbeam tree, sugar maple, deciduous linden, white willow aged about seventy were found among the park plantations.
For the quantitative composition, the introduced species make up 62 % of the trees growing in the park. Apart from sugar maple and horse chestnut which are the most frequent in the plantations, there are Quercus rubra L., Celtis occidentalis L., Robinia pseudoacacia L., Fraxinus lanceolata Borkh., Ulmus parvifolia Jacq among the introduced species.
There are not many bushes in the park, they are likely to fell from the plants, only a few Syringa vularis L. bushes and Rosa rugosa Thunb parterres survived.
There are unauthorized planted species like Hippophae rhamnoides L., Cerasus vulgaris Mill. and C. tomentosa Mill., C. avium (L.) Moench., Armeniaca vulgaris Lam., Prunus domestica L.planted by the locals in the southern part of the park which borders on private buildings,
Evaluation of the sanitary condition of the trees showed that about 0.5 % of the total number of trees is deadwood, 15.6 % are of unsatisfactory sanitary condition, 66 % – of satisfactory and only 18.4 % – of good condition. The main factor of the trees condition deterioration is their infestation with Viscum album L. semi-parasite. Acer sacharinum and Tillia cordata species were infested with mistletoe most. Mistletoe was also found in some broadleaf trees of linden, Robinia locust, lancetous ash, maple. Aesculus hippocastanum L. trees viability and decorative value was reduced due to Cameraria ohridella Desch. & Dem. which damages the leaves and promotes trees premature defoliation and weakening while spreading.
It should be noted that the local residents systematically break the rules of green plants maintenance, i.e. damage trees while harvesting the birch sap, make a fire in the park, have picnics, drive their cars in the park and even arrange parking, beat boards to the trees trunks which have negative impact on the plants.
To determine the integral value of plantations, considering uneven distribution and the value of the planting, the park territory was divided into zones: northern - closed landscapes, southern - semi-closed and central one – semi-open. The evaluation was performed by five-point scale according to the criteria presented in table. 2.
Table 2 – Results of integral assessment of plants in different zones of Kryukivshchyna village park
No s/n
Assessment criteria
Part of the park where the points assessment
of plantings is conducted
Nothern (closed landscape)
Southern (semiclosed landscape)
(semi-open landscape) |
South-Western – open landscape
Correspondence of plants phytocenotic structure to abori-genic associations and topology of natural growth place
Planting species abundance
Planting age structure
Planting sanitary condition
Planting architectonics
Planting components contrast
Planting components harmony
Configuration of areas, groups and parterres
Light and shadow plat
Components placement rhythm
Total score
According to these methods, planting are to be completely replaced when their assessment point is 10-15. Planting with the total value poin of 16-22 were considered poor, but they can be used as a basis for future compositions after reconstructive landscape chopping and replanting new plants; 23-32 points were for limited value of plantations, these plants need a selective sanitary measures and replanting; 33-41 points – plants are considered valuable but they require scrap molding and minor optimization; 42-50 – plants are particularly valuable, require protection and regular care.
Using the above mentioned criteria scale, we conducted an integrated assessment of plants in different areas of the park and defined their value.
Thus, the northern part of the park planting value is limited (total score 24) according to our estimation, the plants need sanitary and recreational measures and landscape reconstructive chopping, replanting of conifers and deciduous decorative trees and bushes.
Planting of the southern part of the park (34 points) are classified as requiring urgent sanitary and recreational measures and the landscape enrichment with evergreen species and ornamental shrubs.
The central part planting (31 points) has limited value and can be the basis for compositions when optimized and trimmedand providing sanitary measures ornamental shrubs replanting are conducted.
Planting around the stadium – the south-western part of the park (28 points) – have limited value and can be partially removed and replaced with decorative species, especially conifers.
Conclusions. 1. Kryukivshchyna park dendroflora is quite diverse in its taxonomic composition and comprises 38 species, a decorative shape and a sort, united into 27 genera and 13 families. However, the absence of evergreen and deciduous decorative species reduces decorative plantings, especially in winter.
2. Integral assessment of the plantating value has shown that planting in various parts of the park have different value and therefore a need different measures to optimize the space. Priority measures improving the health of vegetation is sanitary chopping and removal of dead wood plantations and self-seeded trees severely affected with mistletoe, pruning trees with the initial stage of mistletoe infestation. This will thin the planting out and reduce competition among trees.
Key words: native, species, genus, family, dendroflora, tree, bush, introduced species, plantation, sanitation, village park, taxonomic analysis, method of determining the integral value of trees.
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