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Characteristics of forest-provided processes in native forests of state enterprise Vinnytsia forestry
Natural forests are a source of conservation of landscape and biological (including genetic) diversity. Despite this, intensive forest exploitation results in the significant decrease in the area of natural forests. Lack of reliable natural regeneration, especially forests in the plain part of Ukraine, has led to a significant reduction in the natural forests due to artificially created ones.
Unsuccessful fruiting, lack of natural seed restoration and unsatisfactory growth are the main reason for the interruption of the genesis of forest stands. Natural oak forests, which are the main formations in the region, are characterized by the particularly unsatisfactory natural reproduction.
In conditions of Eastern Podillya, preservation of natural habitats is an important stage in the transition to a balanced development of the region. Today, in the conditions of the Eastern Podillya, the issue of introduction of natural forestry is approaching. The methodological basis of this process is a detailed study of the dynamics of natural regeneration of oak as it is in natural forests and in the field of logs.
The main objective of the article is to study the state and dynamics of the natural renewal of oak natural dumble forests in the Vinnytsia region. Studying this process will enable to study the peculiarities of the formation of natural oak forests in the region. The results of such studies will answer the question of the possibility of applying a natural regeneration for reforestation in the region.
According to data analysis on forest management, we have discovered 3 plots of oak forest stands with natural regeneration of oak under the shade. Basically, these are sites of fresh hornbeam of the sudubrava under the absence of hornbeam in the composition of the forest stands. The share of oak in the undergrowth is from 2 to 10 trees, the average age is 5-15 years. Average density is 3-5 thousand trees per ha.
According to the researches on the condition and structure of the undergrowth of oak forests under the shade, we have identified curtains in the conditions of the state enterprise “Vinnytske FE”. The forest stand is confined to a fresh hornbeam sudibrova under the predominance of oaks and a small share (2 units) of hornbeams in the composition. The stand has structure of all-aged forest trees with curtains of the natural renewal.
Natural oak renewal under the shed of the hornbeam forest stand in the conditions of the state enterprise “Vinnytske FE” is characterized by the density of 5.0-6.3 thousand plants per ha, 1-5-year age and the height of 0.25-1.6 meters. On most plots a 3-year undergrowth prevails, and its share ranges within 25-40 %. The lowest proportion of a 5-year undergrowth is 12-22 %.
The characteristic of the current state of the natural regeneration of oak in natural forests of the state enterprise "Vinnytsia Forestry" of the Vinnytsia Regional Forestry and Hunting Management Department is based on a separate database of forest management data. As a result of the surveys, the basic taxonomic indicators of natural oak forests and their natural renewal were determined.
It was established that the main reason for the reduction of the proportion of natural oak forests is the main harvesting and the creation of forest crops in their place. The low utilization of the natural oak conventional renewal due to the lack of years of intense fruiting and unsatisfactory condition and the preservation of natural regeneration does not contribute to the intensive formation of natural divergences.
Key words: natural forests, oak, natural regeneration, condition.
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