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Influence of sowing time on growth, development and seed productivity of anise
The results of study indicate that sowing time had an influence on the energy of germination and germinability of anise. These figures were the highest in sowing time – 25.04., where this technique has improved the plant's survival.
Weather conditions in the research years were characterized by an unstable temperature regime in the spring period causing low germination of seeds. The optimal sowing time provided increase in the energy of germination and germinability.
The longest period of germinability was noted in the early sowing-time. Accelereted germinability for 2-3 days was observed in the later sowing-time (April 15 and 25). Also, anise phenophases period increase was determined.
Complete anise germinability was observed in 24 days under early sowing time. The following sowing time (15-25.04) contributed to the accelerated germinability of new stairs (18-21 day). The same correlation was observed at the budding and flowering phases.
The intensity of plant growth until the period of stalk formation was slow (2-3 cm per decade), but it increased by the budding phase (6-8 cm) and flowering (8-10 cm).
Like other essential oils plants, anise growth slows down after flowering phase. This process is necessary for the redistribution of nutrition elements from the vegetative part of plant to generative one. The largest height of anise plants is noted in the sowing time of 5.04.
The growth and development of anise are characterized by the accumulation of plant weight and individual parts of the surface organs. Stems, leaves, inflorescences and fruit change their proportions in the process of vegetation. The largest part of leaf (94 %) per total plant weight is in the phase of budding and (47 %) in the fruiting phase under of sowing time of April 15. The opposite tendency was observed in the change of weight of stems bearing generative organs. In the phase of budding, their weight was the largest (65 %) under the sowing time of April 25 and in the phase of fruit formation – under the early sowing (44 %).
Total weight of one anise plant increased until the phase of fruit formation and the proportion of fruits was the largest in the early sowing – 17%.
Seeds productivity is the main indicator of the optimal effect of growing technological methods of this crop. It has been established that the sowing time of April 5.04 provided seedling productivity of 107 g/m2.
Early sowing time contributed not only seedling growth and development, but increased fecundity and seedling productivity of anise as well.
Key words: anise, sowing time, growth and development, phenological phases, productivity.
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