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Biological activity of podzolized chernozem after prolonged application of fertilizers in the field crop rotation
Biological activity is one of the indicators of soil fertility which shows regularities in processes of organic matter transformation and determines intensity of biochemical activity of soil microorganisms. The research aims at studying the effect of long-term application (45 years) of different doses of fertilizers and fertilizer systems in the field crop rotation on the intensity of carbon dioxide emissions, cellulosolytic activity and nitrification capacity of the soil. The research was conducted in a long-term, stationary experiment, based on the ten-course crop rotation. Fertilizers are applied using the mineral system (N45P45K45; N90P90K90; N135P135K135), the organic system (Manure 9 t; 13.5 t; 18 t) and the organic-mineral fertilizer system (Manure 4.5 t + N22P34K18; Manure 9 t + N45P68K36; Manure 13.5 t + N68P101K54). Doses of fertilizers are given for 1 hectare of the crop rotation. The soil of the experimental field is loamy podzolized chernozem.
According to the results of studies, it is found out that prolonged use of mineral fertilizers in the field crop rotation provided the intensity of carbon dioxide emissions from the soil surface at the level of 181–217 mg/m2 per hour. The use of a double dose of mineral fertilizers (N90P90K90) increased the biological activity of the soil compared to non-fertilized areas by 23 %. Regarding the corresponding doses of organic fertilizer system (applying 18 tons of manure for 1 hectare) and organic-mineral one (application of 9 t/ha of manure + N45P68K36), when N90P90K90 is applied the intensity of CO2 emissions from the soil surface was less than 20 % and 22 %, respectively. Regarding the influence of organic fertilizers in the field crop rotation on the biological activity of the soil, it should be noted that carbon dioxide emissions were more intensive and varied within the limits of 209–256 mg/m2 per hour that is more compared to non-fertilized areas by 1.3–1.5 times depending on the dose of fertilizer. The highest intensity of CO2 emissions from the soil surface was observed in the variant with the application of 18 tons of manure for 1 hectare that is more by 25 % than in N90P90K90 variant.
Combined application of organic and mineral fertilizers in the field crop rotation provided the highest intensity of carbon dioxide emissions (222–279 mg/m2 per hour) depending on the fertilization and was close to CO2 emissions from the grassland. Application of 9 tons of manure + N45P68K36 for 1 hectare increased the intensity of CO2 emissions from the soil by 28 % compared to N90P90K90 variant and by 2 % in the variant of manure of 18 tons.
The largest amount of carbon dioxide was from the grassland and amounted to 286 mg/m2 per hour. A slightly lower intensity of CO2 emission was from the soil under the tree belt area (268 mg/m2 per hour). The least carbon dioxide emissions were from the soil surface of unfertilized areas (166 mg/m2 per hour).
The greatest intensity of flax decomposition in 30 days was observed using mineral and organic and mineral fertilizer systems among all experimental variants after prolonged use of different doses of fertilizers and fertilizer systems in the field crop rotation. Application of the mineral fertilizer system in the field crop rotation provided cellulosolytic activity of the soil at the level of 54–68 % which is more than in the variant without fertilizers, respectively, by 29–62 %.
Combined application of organic and mineral fertilizers in the field crop rotation provided the intensity of flax decomposition in the range of 51–66 % depending on fertilizer doses which is more compared with the organic fertilizer system, respectively, by 4–35 %. A slightly lower soil cellulosolytic activity was observed in the organic fertilizer system (49–62 %) which is explained by lower nitrogen yield due to organic fertilizers.
Due to the low humus content in the soil, the intensity of flax decomposition dramatically slows down. As a result, the low value of cellulosolytic activity in the soil without fertilizer is 42 % which is less compared with the variant in which the application is 13.5 tons of manure + N68P101K54 by 36 %, respectively.
Accumulation of nitrates in the soil during composting without impurities depends on the doses of fertilizers and fertilizer systems. Thus, there was 17.7 mg of N–NO3/kg of soil after composting soil from unfertilized areas in 14 days. The highest accumulation of nitrate nitrogen was observed at high doses of fertilizers: in the mineral fertilizer system it was 1.5 times more, in the organic fertilizer system it was by 1.7 times and in the organic and mineral one it was 2.1 times compared with the check variant.
More accumulation of nitrates was during composting soil with the addition of ammonium sulfate. Thus, in the soil without fertilization, the content of nitrate nitrogen increased 3.6 times and its value was 63.9 mg of N–NO3/kg. After composting soil with the addition of (NH4)2SO4, the accumulation of nitrates was directly proportional to the level of fertilization. In variants with application of N45P45K45, 9t of manure and 4.5 tons of manure + N23P34K18 there was 72.4 mg of N–NO3/kg, 79.8 and 81.5 mg of N–NO3/kg of soil. After high doses of fertilizers its amount increased to 85.7 mg N–NO3/kg, 99.9 and 115.7 mg N–NO3/kg in accordance with the experimental variant.
Composting soil with the addition of ammonium sulfate in combination with lime is the best way to discover the potential of the nitrification process. The obtained data testify that calcium application into the soil positively affects the activity of microbiological processes. At the same time, lime neutralizes the physiologically acidic action of the fertilizer, as well as nitrates formed during the composting process which thereby enhances the activity of nitrifying agents. In the soil of unfertilized areas, after composting with (NH4)2SO4 + CaCO3, the nitrate content increased from 17.7 mg of N–NO3/kg to 89.3 mg of N–NO3/kg. In variants with the use of fertilizers their accumulation also increased in accordance with the level of fertilization. Thus, in variants with application of N135P135K135, 18 t of manure and 13.5 t of manure + N68P101K54, there were
148.2 mg of N–NO3/kg, 176.0 and 196.3 mg of N–NO3/kg of soil, respectively.
Key words: biological activity of the soil, mineral fertilizers, manure, field crop rotation, podzolized chernozem, soil fertility.
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