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Folicur action on the leaf apparatus, carbonate content and elements nutrition in gooseberre leaves related to the crop productivity
Synthetic growth regulators are widely used in modern crop production to solve a variety of practical problems. Growth regulation preparation application makes it possible to strengthen or slow down growth processes deliberately at different phases of plant development, to regulate crops load with fruits and seeds, and to influence the products quality. Retardants is one of the most common groups of synthetic growth regulators plants – antihyberellin preparation that either inhibits the synthesis of gibberellins, or blocks the formation of the hormone receptor complex, thus preventing the growth stimulating effect of phytohormones. Recently, new triazole derivative retardants, in particular folicur, have been created, which combines fungicidal properties with the ability to regulate growth processes and influence the morphogenesis of plants, which is accompanied by increased yields. However, the effect of the folicur on the anatomical - morphological and physiological features of the functioning of the leafy apparatus, accumulation and redistribution of assimilates and elements of mineral nutrition in berry plants remain practically unexplored.
Field surveys were carried out on the plantations of the farming farm "Dagor" in the village of Rakov, Tomashpil district, Vinnytsia region in 2015-2017. The bushes were treated with a litter sprayer OP-2 during the budding period of 0.025 % – by the solution of the folicur (by the active substance) until the wetting of the leaves completely. Plants of the control variant were sprayed with tap water. The selection of materials for studying the mesostructure of the leaf was carried out in the ripening phase of the fruits. The mesostructures of leaves were studied at the end of vegetation on fixed material using the A.T. Mokronosov and R.A. Borzenkova. Determination of cell size and thickness of chlorenchymes was performed using a micrometer Micmed-1 and an ocular micrometer MOB-1-15x in a 20-fold repetition. A 5 % solution of acetic acid in hydrochloric acid 2 mol/l was chosen as a maceration agent. Determination of the content of chlorophylls was carried out in a fresh material by spectrophotometric method on the spectrometer SF-16. The content of nonstructural carbohydrates (sugars and starch) was determined by iodometric method, phosphorus content was determined by the intensity of formation of phosphorus molybdenum complex, potassium – flame – photometric method, content of various forms of nitrogen – by Keldal.
The influence of the triazole derivative preparation of the folicur on the formation of the Mashenka gooseberry variety leaves, accumulation of nonstructural carbohydrates (sugars and starches) and mineral nutrition elements is established. According to the results, the preparation follicle has a clear retardant effect on gooseberry plants. Under the influence of the folicur, the height of the plants was 80 ± 8.02 cm vs control of 73,7 ± 9,91 cm. The application of the folicur caused a significant rebuilding of the mesostructure of the leaves, their thickening by increasing chlorenchyme, increasing the cell volume of the columnar parenchyma and the linear size of the cells of the spongy parenchyma leaves. Also, the content of the amount of chlorophyll increased in the leaves. The peculiarities of the formation of the mesostructure of leaves on the action of the applied preparation provided more effective implementation of their photosynthetic function, which is an important prerequisite for increasing the productivity of culture.
Gooseberry plants treatment with the drug is accompanied by changes in the accumulation and redistribution of various forms of carbohydrates. For the action of the drug, the content of starch and all forms of sugars – the sum of sugars, reducing sugars and sucrose was significantly higher compared with the control, which is evidence of more productive work of the photosynthetic apparatus of leaves due to optimization of their mesostructure and increase in the content of chlorophylls.
The obtained results indicate that the proposed method of shrubs processing by the folicur provides higher yields and better quality of the product: for the action of the drug qualitative indicators of products the content – of ascorbic acid, carbohydrates and the acidity of the berries increased.
Key words: gooseberries, retardants, folicur, leafy apparatus, elements supplies, yield.
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