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Yield main elements formation in durum winter wheat under the influence of Stympo biopreparation

The increase in the yield of durum wheat and the organic food production due to the use of biopreparations is promising in arid climate. Therefore, it is important to study the reactions of new varieties of durum winter wheat to unfavorable and stressful environmental factors with a protection element of a biological preparation. The aim of the work was to find out the influence of Stympo plants growth regulator of biological origin on growth processes, the formation of a photoassymilation apparatus and the biological yield of durum winter wheat in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine.
Presowing treatment of wheat seeds with Stimpo biopreparation at a concentration of 25 ml/t stimulated the growth and development of wheat.
Field germination of processed wheat seeds increased by 5-10 %, depending on the variety, in comparison with the control crops. It is established that the Stympo bioregulator provided increased number of productive shoots, promoted an increase in the mass of grain in the ear, increased the yield of the commodity part of the crop, which ultimately increased the biological yield of soft winter wheat.
At the same time, Stympo bioregulator positively influenced the formation of lateral shoots, but the effect was less pronounced in the varieties of Havan’ and Cruiser (increased by 5 and 10 %) compared to the same indicator for wheat varieties of Aliy Parus and Shulyndinka (increased by 23 and 32 %).
It was noted that Stympo did not effect significantly length of the stem of winter wheat of Alyi Parus and Cruiser varieties. In the Shulyndinka and Havan’ varieties, the length of the stalk increased by 6.9-16.1 % under the influence of the biological preparation. Also, the length of the ear of Alyi Parus and Shulyndinka varieties increased by 6.1-9.9 %, in the Cruiser's variety this figure did not change, and in the Havan’ variety it decreased by 8.5 % compared to the above indicated index in the control crop plants.
However, lateral sprout formation stimulation with Stympo biopreparation allowed to obtaine a greater number of productive stems by 9,4-52,2 %, depending on the variety, compared with the option without plant treatment.
The number of ears in the ear was almost unchanged in the studied variants of durum wheat varieties, except for the Shulyndinka variety. The number of grains in the colic at the use of Stympo did not change only in the Havan’ variety, while in other varieties it increased by 10-12 %, 8.5 % increase in the weight of seeds obtained from an ear was noted under conditions of Stympo use on wheat only in the Cruiser variety. The weight of an ear seeds in other varieties decreased by 1.15-1.42 times depending on the variety. The decrease of this indicator is caused by a significant increase in productive stems in these varieties compared with the control.
Treated by Stympo preparation, 1000 grains of wheat of the Cruiser and Shulyndinka varieties did not change significantly, while the varieties of Aliy Parus and Havan’ changed by 6.3-13.1 % compared to the weight of grains obtained from the control crops.
It should be noted that the use of Stympo in the period of vegetation by foliar treatment positively contributed to the general formation of biomass, therefore the growth of the mass of the obtained straw in the Shulyndinka variety was noted. However, when using the bioregulator of plants on durum wheat varieties of the Cruiser and liy Parus, less weight was obtained compared to the control, which allowed to increase the yield of the commercial part of the crop. The above changes allowed to change the ratio of the output of the commodity part to non-marketable in the growth direction. Thus, for Cruiser durum wheat, this indicator increased by 21 % compared with the control.
When analyzing the two-factor experience, the share of the variety's influence on the yield of winter wheat is very strong, and is 54,5 %, Stympo preparation influenced the yield less. However, the share of biopreparation interaction with varietal characteristics of culture is significant (13.6 %).
Key words: biopreparation, Stympo, durum winter wheat, crop yield, variety.

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