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Parameters of genetic variation and combining ability of modern spring barley varieties by grain weight per plant
The available literary sources contain ambiguous data on genetic control of grain weight per plant for barley, which is evidently due to the different genetic material involved in crossbreeding, locations and conditions of researches. Taking into account the above, the study on plant breeding and genetic features of novel spring barley varieties by plant productivity in specific environmental conditions has permanent relevance for practical breeding of this crop.
The aim is to identify plant breeding and genetic features of modern spring barley varieties by grain weight per plant in the central part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine and to single out genetic sources of increased combining ability for involving in hybridization.
The studies were carried out at the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS in 2014–2016. Modern varieties of domestic breeding (Virazh, Talisman Myronivskyi, Komandor) and foreign breeding (KWS Aliciana, KWS Bambina, Zhana, Explorer) were involved in complete (7 x 7) diallel scheme. The analysis of variance was conducted according to B. A. Dospekhov (1985). Combining ability and genetic parameters were calculated in accordance with M. A. Fedin et al. (1980).
Some varieties were distinguished with true positive effects of total combining ability in all years of the research, namely, Explorer (1.09-1.26), KWS Aliciana (0.68-0.97), Talisman Myronivskyi (0.54-0.72) and Virazh (0.53-0.77).
By means of graphical analysis of the regression of covariance (Wr) on the variance (Vr) between the mean values of parent components and hybrids with their participation dominance was revealed in 2014-2015. In 2016, the expression of epistasis was clearly noticed. Calculation of the parameters of genetic variation has shown that in 2014-2015 the dominant effects of genes (H1 and H2) prevailed the additive ones (D). In 2016, the values of H1 and D were similar, with a slight advantage of the first. Accordingly, the average degree of domination in the experiment (H1 D) and the average degree of domination in the loci ( ) indicated the presence of overdomination in 2014 and 2015. In 2016, these parameters also exceeded 1.0, but with negligible values of 1.02 and 1.01, respectively.
The value of the ratio h2/H2 indicates that for 3-5 genes (groups of genes) there were detected the effects of domination. The correlation coefficient r[(Wr + Vr)i; xi] in all years was negative, indicating the direction of dominance towards the increase of the trait. It should be noted that its value (-0.65 ± 0.34) was less in 2016 than compared to 2014 (-0.83 ± 0.25) and 2015 (-0.80 ± 0.27).
The coefficient of heritability in a broad sense (H2) has high values in all years of the research (0.94-0.98), indicating a significant contribution of genetic features to phenotypic variability. The coefficient of heritability in a narrow (h2) sense was also quite high (0.70-0.78), which showed a significant additive contribution to genetic control of the trait.
Thus, the components of genetic variation and regression graphical analysis of hybrids of the diallel scheme indicate that overdomination with expression in some years of non-allelic interaction – complementary epistasis – took place in genetic control of the grain weight per plant. The domination was aimed at increasing the trait. Coefficients of heritability in both a broad and narrow senses indicate the prevalence of genetic features in phenotypic variability and a significant contribution of additive component in genetic control, respectively.
The plant breeding and genetic features revealed allow predicting the efficiency of selections to increase the trait in the material analyzed. However, the "hard" selection is more expedient to be conducted in later generations.
The varieties Explorer, KWS Alisiana, Talisman Myronivskyi, and Virazh are valuable genetic sources for combination breeding to increase plant productivity.
Key words: barley, grain weight per plant, parameters of genetic variation, combining ability, heritability, genetic sources.
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